Shocking video: A shark bites a girl in a shop


A six-year-old girl who watched animals swim in an open aquarium in a Chinese mall was attacked by a shark on Tuesday, reports the South China Morning Post.

The shark bite has caused nine fractures and deep injuries in the minor's hand, which doctors believe should be surgically performed if they do not heal well. According to the testimony of the girl's grandmother, the shark jumped to attack him.

In a video recorded by the security cameras of the place, you can see the moment of the attack. However, in the pictures it is not appreciated if it is the girl who gets her hands in the water or the shark who jumps to bite her.

For its part, the mall It indicates that the area of ​​the aquarium has warning signs and is guarded by two guards who warn visitors of the danger . In addition, despite the fact that the management denies any responsibility for what happened, she agreed to take charge of the child's medical expenses.

(Source: Actualidad.RT)

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