Alert maintained, predict more rain in Santander | Bucaramanga


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The recommendation of the authorities to the sanctilian families, They are devastated by a wave of tragedy caused by the avalanche that hit this municipality last Thursday night, they are still in a state of alert

. And at the end of this edition, there was still rains in the area and therefore, residents must be aware of evacuation calls to protect their lives, in case of a new emergency.

In fact, both the government of Santander and Ideam maintain the "Red Alert" in this part of the Department

The environmental authority warned that sudden increases are expected in the tributaries of the river basin Dark, in addition to the water sources of Lebrija, Carare and Suárez, as a result of heavy rains that, even with electrical storms, they registered in the region.

The balance of tragedy in San Gil is frightening: a minor is dead; 20 people were injured, although they were treated and out of danger; and four communes, a road and hundreds of houses were affected by the floods.

Many roads that connect the municipality to the capital of Santander are covered with mud and debris. However, it must be said that the San Gil-Bucaramanga road is already made possible thanks to the work of the relief agencies.

In the rest of Santander, Ideam called on the authorities and residents to pay attention to the behavior of the rivers Frío, La Iglesia, Tona, Navas, Chapinero and De Oro, among others near Bucaramanga and San Gil .

Luis Fernando Flórez Leon, 48, recounted the moments of anguish that he lived together his daughter after being dragged 50 meters by one of the avalanches that were recorded on Thursday evening in San Gil, Santander.

At 9:00 pm he and his 18 year old daughter were mobilized in their Mitsubishi Sportero truck to their home, located in the Hoyo area.

"We were in the Lorenzo Alcantuz Coliseum, where my daughter was playing volleyball when it started to rain, the storm lasted about two hours and was so intense that they canceled the match. When we came back, we found two avalanches, "says Luis Fernando

.In the middle of the downpour, Luis and his daughter arrived at the" water monument " , where vehicles stopped, streets becoming literally rivers.

"It was a matter of seconds. I was able to see that the avalanche was coming from the Paseo del Mango district, so I turned around and accelerated, "he said.

" The avalanche was very strong. There were sticks and big stones in the mud that dragged several motorcycles and cars. The mud hit us and dragged us about 50 meters, "recalls Luis.

Almost immediately, the cabin of the double-cabin truck began to fill with mud, while Luis tried helplessly to pull the truck out of the square. [19659003] "The mud has come to our shoulders. As I could, I opened the pbadenger door and the mud began to come out of the cabin. My daughter was at the back. Finally, we were stuck between a guardrail and a truck, "added Luis.

On the main road, the avalanche lost its strength, but flooded all the streets of the area. it was then that Luis and his daughter were able to get out of the truck and get safe

TESTIMONY of tragedy

The wake of death and destruction, unfortunately, marked a good part tragedy, our history, Santander has suffered storms, storms and avalanches that have claimed the lives of many, and just last night, a child from the San Gil This tragic statistic.

After the tragedy of San Gil, we remember the gray memory of this downpour of February 12, 2005. That day, we were struck by one of the most intense rains of the year. 39, history of the country: it reached the figure of 133, 5 mm. Such a natural phenomenon caused the avalanche of the Gold River and left a toll of 65 dead.

San Gil and our capital were not the only areas of the department affected by these phenomena. On October 23, 1940, a windstorm shakes Rionegro and makes three deaths. Sabana de Torres also faced a similar disaster on August 2, 1950. A person died at that time.

A little further, on September 3, 1932, Barrancabermeja was about to disappear, after the storm that destroyed much of the oil port. Eight dead was the tragic balance.

Similarly, in Charalá, on April 27, 1942, the violent winds of a storm caused three deaths.

And we can not forget this fateful November 25, 1979. Hundreds of deaths have left the avalanche of the waters of the river Playón, which has exceeded 10 meters of its normal level. At that time, the death toll would have exceeded the figure of 500.

Although the damage can not be predicted with accuracy, Ideam predicts that in the course of the sudden winter season that we cross, it is likely that heavy rain again shake us It is necessary to keep the alarms on!

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