Thousands of people take to the streets to reject corruption in the country | In front page


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The Second Step convened yesterday to dismiss flagrant acts of corruption in the justice system in the country, aired in recent days by audios, where an overview of Presumed influence between magistrates of the judiciary, the Public Prosecutor's Office and the National Council of the Judiciary (CNM) has been widely accepted by citizen groups, unions and young people who have won the streets and places to express their rejection of this rottenness.

In Lima and the main regions of the north of the country, there were peaceful mobilizations where, in unison, thousands of participants asked the central government to put an end to the social scourge that caused so much damage to society. ] YOU CAN SEE Attempted frustrated escape from Chiclayo Penitentiary

University Students, Labor Unions, Collective and Associated Civil Movements Led the Protest That Was Concentrated on the Place San Martín and from there they began a walk through the main avenues of the Lima precinct, surrounded by national policemen.

Protesters agree on at least three points: the urgency of a reform of the judicial system, the rejection of the designation of Pedro Chávarry as the prosecutor of the Nation and the questioning of the exercise of the Congress of the Republic.

"We declared ourselves in permanent mobilization against corruption", explained the Executive Secretary of the National Coordinator of Human Rights (CNDDHH), Jorge Bracamonte, who also took part in the first step mbad against corruption. corruption made a week ago.

"There can be no half-measures in this fight, we hope that tomorrow (today) President Martin Vizcarra will announce clear measures," he added, referring to the message that the President will present today for the national holidays of the Congress of the Republic

. This newspaper coincided by pointing out that they are waiting for the proposals of reform of the judicial system that Vizcarra presents to Congress.

Students from the National University of San Marcos, the National University of Callao and the National University of Engineering demonstrated in the march to show their indignation before the political clbad . The public prosecutor of Piura, members of the Regional Anti-Corruption Front carried out a flag washing to demand that prosecutors involved in the alleged collection of bribes by members of criminal organizations are the subject of an investigation. from Piura (SIMA), Miguel Puescas, asked the Attorney General's Office for oxygenation in all judicial institutions to prevent bad magistrates from releasing criminals in exchange for money.

"It is time to restructure the judiciary and the public prosecutor's office, and the bad magistrates who take advantage of their positions to be punished He also asked for the amendment of the political Constitution, where there are maximum sentences for civil servants who benefit from state money.In his opinion, current laws only benefit members of Congress and corrupt officials.

Protesters announced a new walking for the first days of August by rejecting acts of corruption.

In the afternoon, a group of young people protested and demanded a prison for corrupt judges and prosecutors "Justice for the people, punishment for the corrupt!", They shouted aloud.

With the presence of hundreds of people from different groups of citizens and students who marched in the different streets of the c between civic, the second march against corruption was carried out

The route started on the El Recreo square and continued along the perimeter of the avenue España to lead to the Plaza de Armas de Trujillo.

The leader of Suter La Libertad, Mario Guanilo declared that it is time for the people to take the path and finally decide to build a new country, far from the corruption that has attained all the powers of the state.

protesters wore a flag and further the rest of the delegations with banners of black color and banners with inscriptions calling for the departure of the new president of Congress, Daniel Salaverry Villa.

Grbadroots organizations, ronderos, citizen groups and students took part in the march against corruption in the province of Chota in Cajamarca.

They all wore figures of rats and coffins. Corruption; they also carried with them black flags, suggesting the people's outrage at the deplorable deeds that are happening in the country.

It should be noted that the Chotanos are mobilized for the second day. They issued their protest voice and demanded comprehensive reforms in the administration of justice and the political electoral system.

Finally, people indignant at so much corruption living in the country burned the numbers of black rats representing corrupt officials.

A group of citizens from the Lambayeque region also participated in the second national mobilization against corruption. Concentrated in the Obrero Park and then on Elías Aguirre Square, the marchers demanded that the government reform the judicial system and a new constitution.

The President of the Lambayeque Defense Front, Micky Álvarez reported that on July 24 presented before Congress three bills that should be taken into account if the government really works for institutional reform.

"The first refers to asking the popular election of the judges of the peace law, the second, the regionalization of the Supreme Court of Justice.And the third, for the election by popular vote of the We hope that this will develop mechanisms of democratization of the judicial system, "he said.

The representative of Collective Ni Una Menos in Lambayeque, Delicia Julca, said that this march was to prove the total, I reject the judges who "free those who are trying to save the lives of thousands of women in the country."

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