With great zeal, the Bolivarian government celebrates the birthday of his commander Hugo Chávez


Since 1999, when President Hugo Chávez came to power in Venezuela, with a diametrically different political system compared to previous governments, the consolidation of a new figure of leadership and history for the nation has begun. Indeed, the late former president of Venezuela, has become one of the most prominent heroes of the supporters of socialism of the twenty-first century, and by the present leaders of the Caribbean country, who consider him a figure of great importance, almost at the same level of the Liberator Simón Bolívar, to be the one who embarked on the fight against imperialism, and what they call the liberation of Venezuela.

In a country that attributes the label of remaining primarily Catholic, there are many people in their homes who raised altars with the image of Hugo Chavez, to venerate the Bolivarian leader. And also in the politics of the country, many are those who still pay him honors and follow the same path drawn by this military and socialist exgobernante, who despite everything, is strongly criticized and even hated in other countries of the world, and for many Venezuelans who had to leave their land, because of the deep crisis that they have been living for years.

Today, Saturday, July 28, we celebrate the birth of the leader of the far left, born that same day in the year 1954, in the midst of a torrential downpour in Venezuela. For such an event, and by virtue of what many believe, has been a life of heroic service to the Venezuelan people, was celebrated in Caracas and in other cities of the country, this anniversary of the famous commander, between powder and rockets, by a part of the government members of his subject, Nicolás Maduro and members of the Armed Forces.

As today, 64 years ago was born our brother Hugo Chávez, the #ComandanteEterno who dedicated his life to integrate the Nations of # PatriaGrande . He faced the capitalist yoke and fought until the last moment for the dream of the total emancipation of our Latin America. pic.twitter.com/Y7FX3QFc1o

- Evo Morales Ayma (@evoespueblo) July 28, 2018

Celebrate the life of our eternal commander Hugo Chávez Frías. We will do this by discussing, building and contributing to solutions for the Fatherland. Protect his legacy and honor his efforts by leaving everything behind in the construction of Venezuela he dreamed. Nicolás Maduro (@NicolasMaduro) July 28, 2018

You live in our hearts and actions, your legacy continues and we fight for it against all forms of domination. People testify to your unconditional love, your altruistic dedication and your battles for freedom. Chávez we are all! https://t.co/bzoGeFlAp2 pic.twitter.com/dz4Uo0rKtt

- Nicolás Maduro (@NicolasMaduro) July 28, 2018

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