Strange murder of a member of the Navy and a woman: Envigado


The authorities of Envigado and the police of Valle de Aburrá investigate the murder of Javier Armando Uribe, 44, who according to the first information belonged to the Navy. The soldier was killed with a woman, identified as Johana Catalina Diosa, minutes after leaving a part near the pink area of ​​this municipality in the south of the metropolitan area.

The incident occurred when the victims mobilized a Renault Duster truck in the district of La Mina, where they were intercepted by several armed men who fled on 3 motorcycles . Colonel Juan Carlos Rodríguez, sub-commander of the Metropolitan Police, reported that one-third had been mobilized in the car, and that his testimony would be the key to clarifying the double homicide.

"We are talking about a particular black vehicle, the occupants had left a party and were intercepted by subjects who attacked them with a gun, on the site we found that the driver was a member of the military forces We are moving forward in the investigation to find the whereabouts of officials and understand the motives for the act, "said the official.

Investigators confirmed that the black vehicle in which the victims were mobilized was found with multiple firearm impacts which explains the cruelty of the attack. The authorities are trying to establish the causes of the double homicide, which apparently had nothing to do with the activity carried out by the member of the armed forces.

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