"I am ashamed": President Santos on the political situation in Cartagena


Juan Manuel Santos said that he was not interested in the appointment of a new mayor and that it will be a task that will remain in the government of Iván Duque Márquez

Juan Manuel Santos, President of Colombia. SIG

The President Juan Manuel Santos has referred this Saturday to the administrative and political crisis that pbades through the city of Cartagena whose mayor has seen more than a dozen of mayors, from among the chosen and elected.

"Today in the El Universal newspaper there is a headline saying that Santos wants to leave the new mayor because I asked the Conservative party the list of which the new mayor should leave. I asked because I am obliged by law (…) but I am least interested in signing another decree naming a new mayor because I am already embarrbaded ", said the President at the end of the event headquarters of the School of Hospitality of the Seine in this city.

This may interest you: They suspend the election of the Fifth War as mayor of Cartagena

"In seven years I have signed 14 decrees appointing the mayor and I am the least interested, I will not name a new mayor, let the new government appoint him, "added the president.

To the conservative party I asked him the triplet for the new mayor of Cartagena, it's my duty. But I want to clarify that I will not sign a new decree appoint mayor, in 8 years, I signed 14. I am ashamed. The new government will have to appoint the new mayor. pic.twitter.com/VgqznTXfmo

– Juan Manuel Santos (@JuanManSantos) July 29, 2018

The last tenant of the customs palace was Antonio Quinto Guerra Varela ] of the conservative party, which was elected in atypical elections held last May, was however suspended by the Attorney General's Office on the grounds that he was disqualified from the post for signing another contract within the deadline prohibition provided for by law, that is to say in the twelve months preceding the date of the election.

Before the elections, the prosecution had warned against the inability of the fifth war, It motivated the request to the National Electoral Council (CNE) to revoke the registration of the candidate, but the Electoral Court did not make a decision on this matter and indicated that the issue should be addressed in the Council. or state.

The candidature of the Fifth War was firm and was presented in atypical elections, although about fifteen days later his election was suspended by the Public Ministry

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