The 3 emissaries with contacts in the underworld who pressured the witness against Uribe


"Speculation claims to avoid an indisputable fact: several characters close to or with contacts with the underworld have made offers to Juan Guillermo Monsalve to change his version in favor of Uribe," says Coronell in his Chronic Semana. [Thenumberofemissariesmentionedbythejournalistis Carlos Eduardo López Callejas, known as "Caliche" "a former companion of Monsalve who had contact with the deputy Álvaro Hernán Prada", investigated by these conduct of the from the Supreme Court of Justice.

Coronell has published photos of Lopez where he poses with weapons and luxurious cars, as well as a recording that is in the power of justice where he tells Monsalve that "The Congressman Prada and D & C Other friends " have sought, allegedly, to convince him to register by retracting charges he has brought against by Senator Álvaro Uribe Vélez [19659002] & # 39; Caliche & # 39; tells the witness that he needs urgent registration because the deadline for the appeal will expire, and he ensures that the instruction was given directly by "el viejo" and "el caparrudo" ", which, according to the journalist, are two nicknames with which he refers to Uribe

" I can not begin to invent at this stage with something as supremely delicate as that. As I tell you, I will not play with that. Directly with the & # 39; caparrudo & # 39; it was that they put it on the speaker and I spoke, boss. If I do not see what I can do to open the hijuepucha threw ?, Why should I tell him? ", Is heard in the record.

Coronell says that he has been looking for" Caliche "for months until recently he found it, but when it was Asked him about the pressure on Monsalve he denied it and ended up insulting him with a question that he did not like:

"According to him, everything was a lie, he invented it himself and so deceived the he sent to look like poor Prada – "he's a healthy boy" – baduring that Monsalve wanted to retract, "he says

A second emissary is the lawyer Diego Javier Cadena known, according to Coronell, ""

"He was also a lawyer for drug traffickers like Diego Montoya, aka" Don Diego ", and Diego Pérez, aka" Diego Rastrojo ", but not only" The living man of Diegos, t he also has a power signed by Alvaro Uribe to visit prisons in Colombia and the United States, witnesses ages of prisoners who favor it or who are useful to it, "says the journalist

. It's up to him to have her sign a document to her husband in which he has withdrawn. In addition, according to the audio, the lawyer says that Uribe was reportedly aware of this meeting, according to RCN Noticias.

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Coronell badures that Cadena did not know how to begin his relationship with Uribe, and for this reason the reporter investigated social networks and found three photos in which he appears with the former president . One of them also shows Francisco Santos.

The first image is dated May 10, 2017, and there is a document on the table " with the head of the Attorney General's Office ].

The Third Person who tried to put pressure on the witness so that he changes his version is Enrique Pardo Hasche, sentenced to 29 years in prison for the abduction of the father-in-law of Andrés Pastrana

Hasche a was recorded in a video on the prison when he tries to convince Monsalve to change his testimony and, on the other hand, states against Senator Iván Cepeda

"The left goes down but ugly, the hand. The left … Poor Cepeda will stay in the pot … because neither Petro nor anyone else. Van is behind. So what I wanted to tell you, is that what you should do, is go to the side of this gentleman. That's going to take you into account later, when he's president, for whatever it is, he tells him.

Once the scandal was discovered, Hasche allegedly sent a letter in which he said that the prisoner had the intention to retract, but that they insisted "to insist that" There is no furnace or smuggling for Monsalve to consume the allegedly poisoned food provided by Inpec "

But in the face of these tests, and others only according to Coronell At the Court, Senator Uribe and several members of his party's congress insist that this case is supposed to be part of a conspiracy to discredit and imprison the political leader, as we read in this letter: [19659018] Indagatoria 1

– Álvaro Uribe Vélez (@AlvaroUribeVel) July 25, 2018

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