They would be left without a seat – LANACION.COM.CO


Aida Merlano Jesus Santrich Iván Márquez

Yesterday was the deadline for Jesús Santrich and Iván Márquez, of the Farc Party, and Aida Merlano, of the Conservative, the three elected members of Congress who did not take their functions on July 20, to comply with the corresponding procedure to occupy their seats.

Blu Radio reported that although each of them was not sworn for different reasons and circumstances, the next step is for the Secretaries General of the Senate and House of Representatives of report absences to the State Council, so that the High Court initiates a process that would result in the declaration of loss of nomination, that is, political death.

"This situation implies that the person can no longer be chosen the popular election expenses from now on: neither for the mayor nor for the councilor, the congressman or any other," explained Gregorio Eljach, Secretary General of the Senate of the Republic


Iván Márquez, former chief negotiator of the FARC, did not finally the letter with which he would notify his decision not to hold his Curul position in the Senate.Acting as a voluntary decision, motivated by the presumed absence of guarantees of participation in political life, this It would have no impact on his party.In the coming days, Israel Zúñiga, better known as "Benkos Biohó", would occupy the fifth seat.

The question is not so clear in the case of Seuxis Paucias, known as Jesús Santrich, who was captured Re in April this year in the middle of a lawsuit for his alleged responsibility in the crime. drug trafficking, after the signing of the peace agreement between the government and the FARC.

Although he was awarded a seat in the House, the ex-guerrilla and now elected could not be held as such, considering that he was detained in La Picota Prison In Bogotá

Despite several attempts to take the siege, it is practically impossible for him to obtain it, since, in addition to the time, the US justice demands extradition, an issue that will be resolved in the coming months.

In view of the above, it is unclear whether the FARC will be able to replace this seat, since the law prevents this type of crime from being applied.


Something similar is happening with Aida Merlano, elected senator of the Conservative Party, who was captured as a protagonist of the scandal of the alleged purchase of votes through a

Conservatives will try to maintain the seat, number ten of the total of 14 that they got on March 11, however, constitutional experts say that there would be no possibility of replacing Merlano.


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