Juan Daniel Oviedo, appointed by Iván Duque as director of DANE


The elected president, Iván Duque, continues to appoint the cabinet that will accompany him to the government from August 7th.

Duque decides to appoint the young economist Juan Daniel Oviedo as new director of the National Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE)

"(Juan Daniel) has a long career in academia and research His experience gives us peace of mind in the management of strategic information Oviedo serves as a senior professor, and director of planning and efficiency Institutional of the Universidad del Rosario in Bogotá.

He was also director of the Graduate School of Economics and professor of the same educational institution.

Here is the profile of the new director of DANE: [1945900] 4]

Juan Daniel Oviedo Arango is doctor in economics at the University of Toulouse (France) where he also studied a master's degree in economics ie mathematics and econometrics. He is an economist at the Universidad del Rosario (Bogotá). He is currently Professor and Director of Planning and Institutional Effectiveness of the Universidad del Rosario. In this latter educational center, he was also director of the Graduate School of Economics and Senior Professor of Career

In 2017, he received the Teaching Excellence Award from the Faculty of Economics of the Universidad del Rosario ] and in 2015 he was the Emeritus Professor of the Faculty of Economics of the same university. In 2000, he received the doctoral scholarship of the Banco de la República and in 1999 the scholarship "DEA of the School of Economics of Midi-Pyrenees". After graduating as an economist at the University of Rosario, he received the scholarship with the distinction of "Colegial". He speaks perfect English and French.

Oviedo was external advisor to the Superintendency of Ports and Transport, the National Television Authority; the superintendence of the family subsidy; the Communications Regulatory Commission, and the Ministry of ICT, among other entities.

In its broad trajectory of the academy and the private sector, they are distinguished from the fields of research and consulting in: Economics of Regulation, Economics of Contracts, Competition Policy and Industrial Organization , Economics of Networks, Applied Industrial Economics, Economic Analysis of Law and Structuring of Policy Frameworks and Sector Regulation

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