Google Maps: A woman suffered a singular accident and generated funny reactions | Google Street View | Google Earth | trends


What happened to him! A cybernaut decided to visit the streets of Oregon, United States using Google Street View from Google Maps, because in a few months, he should go to this city. By moving the cursor in one of the streets, he fell on the capture of a woman who was walking in a corner, then something unexpected happened to her later.

The young man lives in a corner a young woman wearing jeans and an orange sweater. The road to follow the trail of the woman continued around the corner, until everything was normal, but a few streets away, the girl disappeared

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The user was puzzled to see that the girl went missing as if by magic, but has fixed the slider and realized that the woman had fallen prematurely. This generated a few laughs from him and hundreds of users who were able to access these screenshots from Google Maps.

The blocks above you can see the same woman continue her way, apparently the fall was not serious.

Here we leave the images of the embarrbading moment of the young woman captured by Google Street View of Google Maps that has generated thousands of laughs around the world. Yes, we know, it's bad to make fun of someone who has an accident but in this case it has not happened to major.

Remember that in Google Maps there are thousands of fun captures and we'll catch up with what happened.


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