Net slaughter of pimps that left more than 250 victims in Cartagena – Crimes – Justice


During an important operation between the Office of the Attorney General, Police and Colombia Migration, 18 people were captured and were part of a network of badual slavery of minors in Cartagena.

According to the process against them, they operated in the tourist areas of La Heroica to convince girls from displaced families and immigrant neighborhoods to engage in prostitution in the city and at the same time. ;foreign.

As part of the operation, called Vesta, the Colombian authorities, with the support of the Navy and the US agency ICE / HSI, conducted 13 search and rescue procedures. followed in five hotels in the city.

The authorities established, for example, that the network manipulated girls to provide badual services in the public squares of Cartagena, mainly in places of influx of tourists such as the historic center, the tower of the Clock, Plaza de los Coches, among others.

There, the network exploits young people between the ages of 14 and 17 who the pimping network set up routines and schedules to offer badual services in exchange for money.

Thus, the capture of members of this network of pimps was accomplished, who are accused of "subjecting more than 250 victims, among girls and adolescents, to harbadment".

During the first six months of the year, the Attorney General's Office compiled reports and testimonies, as well as sufficient evidence to reveal the operation of this illegal network.
It was found that some officials helped them obtain the papers and the necessary diligences to send the miners abroad.

In the investigation, in addition, a badual predator was found who tattooed his victims.

The prosecutor and police captured for these crimes of commercial badual exploitation alias Gregori and Yenifer, who were responsible for seeking out and convincing girls from different areas of Cartagena to badually exploit them in tourist points.

According to the survey, many of the victims are Venezuelan migrants in a vulnerable state.

Because of these facts, they will be charged with procuring, which gives a sentence of up to 37 years.

They will also charge Ana Torres and Caesar Bernal, who were running hotels in the Old City, and allegedly allowed badual acts against minors in the institutions for which they were responsible. Charges will be laid for encouraging the prostitution of minors, giving between 10 and 14 years of imprisonment.

Police officers Javier Tovar and Naymiro Cabarca who allegedly asked for money not to capture tourists who paid for badual services, were also captured. They will impute the crime of concussion.

In addition, José Caballero was captured, who had a warrant for access to a minor, and will be responsible for the crime of badual exploitation of minors, for which he would receive between 14 and 25 years in prison.

The Office of the Prosecutor also requested, through Interpol's blue circulars, to find two US citizens, a German citizen and an Argentine citizen who would have paid for services to the girls.

Falls "Madame", the largest pimp in Cartagena

In another part of the operation, the authorities came alias Madam, who co-opted minors and also women over 18 years old that she cheated with jobs in the Caribbean offered them money and help for documentation, to be badually exploited in other countries.

This constitutes a transnational crime of human trafficking, with sentences of up to 23 years in prison.

According to the Office of the Prosecutor, "Madam" has a criminal record for heroin trafficking and illegal stay in the United States. The investigators say that she would be the largest pimp in Cartagena and that she was responsible for running a bad lane on the beaches.

Through the agency AICE / HSI, it was found that young Colombians were traveling abroad to participate in alleged badual festivals in which they were exploited.

The name of & # 39; Madam & # 39; is Liliana del Carmen Campos Puello, who was captured in the early hours of this Sunday.

The judicial police also captured Raúl Danilo Romero Pabón, captain of naval infantry of the Navy, appointed to locate by social networks under the age of 14, to mistreat them, threaten them that they would not denounce, and tattoo their name on their body.

During the hearings held on Saturday, the official accepted the charges that the prosecutor's office charged him with for conspiracy to commit a crime, encouraging the prostitution of minors, badual exploitation and demand commercial use of person under 18, use or provision of means of communication to facilitate the badual exploitation of minors for commercial purposes and the use of minors in the commission of crimes.

They occupy for the purpose of extinguishing the field of badual exploitation

The Colombian authorities have studied the allegations relating to the property of Cartagena with the organization of badual events by foreign citizens, most of them Israeli.

In response to the progress of the investigations, the Office of the Prosecutor, the National Police and Migration Colombia raided a place known as "Casa Benjamin".

In addition, in El Laguito, two properties were also found in which doses of marijuana were seized, 34 million pesos, 5,911 dollars and 400 euros in cash.

This operation captured six alleged members of a network called VIP, between Colombians and foreigners, who would be responsible for mbad badual practices and other crimes.

Among the captured are Liad and Samu, Israeli citizens, alleged network leaders responsible for conspiracy crimes to commit crimes and crimes against badual freedom and honor.

capture against the Israeli citizen Assi Mosh, head of this structure, expelled from Colombia on November 17 of last year, and who is asked with the blue circular of Interpol.

For this reason, the public ministry occupied these buildings in order to extinguish the estate, the two buildings where mbad badual practices were performed, as well as the hotels, inns and houses where the victims were staying .

Among the occupied buildings are the headquarters of Casa Benjamin, the Hostal Artún de San Agustín and the Central Hotel Los Tropicales


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