Fresh products from Latin America arrive at tables in China


"I love this type of shrimp imported from Ecuador, they are very clean, they are easy to cook and have a delicious taste, I buy them," says a young customer by selecting foods from quality in one of the largest Ecuadorian supermarkets. Freshhema, a company specializing in fresh products such as seafood, meats, fruits and vegetables, in Beijing

Ecuadorian shrimp are just one example of the prosperity of the trade in fresh produce Latin America in China. Thanks to the development of the e-commerce chain in China, these products arrive quickly and fresh among the Chinese, according to an article recently published in the digital version of the People's Daily.

Thus, Latin America, a remote region of China and until recently a little unknown in these latitudes, is in the process of conquering the table and palace of the Chinese people. Chile, to cite an example and according to Chinese customs statistics, exported fresh fruits valued at nearly $ 1.2 billion in 2016, surpbading Thailand as the leading exporter of fruit to China.

What are the products of Latin America so popular in China? Wang Guozhu, purchasing director of Freshhema in Beijing, considers that they have great advantages due to the alternation of seasons. "When is the winter in China, it is summer in Latin America.

That is why Latin American products perfectly compensate for the lack of fruits recorded during the cold season of the country. they can enjoy cherries, blueberries and other tropical fruits in the winter, "he says.

In recent years, bilateral trade between China and the Latin American countries has increased considerably. Yang Nianchun, a Chinese entrepreneur engaged in trade between China and Ecuador, is one of the entrepreneurs who has greatly benefited from the expansion of bilateral trade.

His business, established in 2012, has recorded an annual business turnover of $ 20 million. Five years later. "Due to the geographical advantage of Ecuador, its high quality white shrimp are recognized by domestic and foreign markets," says Yang, who adds that a delayed fishing technology limits production. of seafood products in the South American country.

"The space of cooperation between China and Ecuador in the field of fresh produce will be expanded with a more favorable policy and the introduction of more investment," says he. For 40 years of reform and openness, the Chinese people have achieved a great improvement in their lives. Demand for consumption is increasing and diversifying. In this context, it can be expected that Latin American products will continue to perform well in the Chinese market.

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