Charges imputed to Imputan in the case of Aida Merlano – Barranquilla – Colombia


Office of the Prosecutor accused of electoral corruption crimes in the Atlantic

  Case Aida Merlano

Currently, the imputation hearing charges laid against the persons involved in the l 39; "White House" affair is in progress

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Ground Zero Courtesy


July 30, 2018, 09:54 a.m.

On the second floor of the Civic Center of Barranquilla the hearing of charges against the seven suspects of electoral crimes, in the case of the deputy Aída Merlano.

place, located in the center of this capital, are the advisers Juan Carlos Callejas Alzamora, Aissar Castro Bravo and his father Aissar Castro Reyes, Deputies Margarita Balen and Jorge Rangel, the former candidate in the House of Representatives Lilibeth Llinás, and the exconcejal of Soledad, Vicente Támara

The accused must answer for crimes of conspiracy to commit a crime and corruption of suffrage in consistent and successive protest which was formulated by the Office of the Attorney General of the Nation, developing the operation "White House", and that for the moment, Merlano is deprived of liberty.

In the process that the Office of the Prosecutor carries, which contains 2,112 hours of video and Audios collected and in which about fifty researchers participated, it is a network of electoral corruption that functioned as a company in the service of political campaigns, which had been gathered three years ago when thinking about the campaign in the Congress of the Republic

". Voters received money in exchange for their vote, c as if it was a commodity, illicit funding sources, "revealed the Prosecutor's Office.
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