Colombia: Human Trafficking Opens 58 Investigations in 2018 | NTN24


A report from the Attorney General's Office revealed that between 2005 and 2018, 2,127 new investigations were opened for the crime of human trafficking in Colombia . Similarly, it was known that until 2018 opened 58 investigations, of which 34 with effective opening, 24 were the subject of atypical behavior. Eleven indictments were filed and only four convictions were pronounced

Social organizations and human rights defenders claim that the state has abandoned the victims of the crime of human trafficking and that many cases go unpunished

Recently, as part of an offensive against badual exploitation (one of the forms of human trafficking) between the Office of the Attorney General, the National Police and Migration Colombia , they got what the Prosecutor Néstor Humberto Martínez claimed was the biggest operation against a network of badual exploitation. There was the capture of 18 people who were part of a network of badual slavery minors in Cartagena .

In this operation, called & # 39; Vesta & # 39; (named after Vesta, goddess of the house in Roman mythology), 13 search procedures were conducted, followed by five hotels in the city and two police officers in Cartagena to cover the crime.

Another aberrant case, also in "La Heroica", discovered a captain (r) who raped and marked his victims . As Raúl Danilo Romero, the retired captain of the Navy was identified who was responsible for contacting minors through social networks, then seduce and abuse. In addition to this, in the details of the case, it was learned that after committing the crime, the attacker tattooed the women with the initials of their name and a crown it seemed to generate greater satisfaction in marking their victims. The man accepted the charges against him and could face a 25-year prison sentence .

Also, on July 23 in Spain, a badual exploitation network was deconstructed that deceived its victims. Colombia to take them to Europe. There, the victims were subjected to all sorts of harbadment without any precaution or sanitary control.

In the Global Report on Trafficking in Persons, created by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, it can be seen that 30% of victims of trafficking are children and 70% are women and girls. It is also known that badual exploitation is the most common form of exploitation and that 66% of perpetrators are men.

"Trafficking in human beings takes many forms and knows no boundaries. Traffickers of human beings act with impunity and their crimes do not receive enough attention. That can not go on like this. "António Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations

On July 30, he was appointed by the United Nations General Assembly as World Day Against Trafficking in Human Beings.

Writing NTN24

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