Three useful apps to control what your kids are doing with their cell phone


At the time when every child has his smartphone, many parents opt for some security checks on phones to find out what they do, what content they consume and for how long something that repeatedly brings inconvenience in social and academic performance.

Here we leave some easy options to apply:

Kids Place

Free and available for Android and iOS has a high level of restriction and, basically, prevents children from grabbing apps that parents deem inappropriate for them or that you spend too many hours a day.

Once downloaded to the phone of the minor (or used, in case the parents lend theirs), p steals the input to unwanted applications, blocks incoming calls, disables the Wi-Fi of dubious origin (or the clean of the house to avoid vices) and even prevents purchases without consent.

] Secure Kids

Also available in Mobile Store, Secure Kids has a main panel with a button to make it easy to use. emergency that alerts the elderly in case of possible activities such as ] badting grooming and cyberbullying .

One of the advantages of Secure Kids is that it is installed on the smartphones of parents and children, so the control is not so invasive and direct. Another point in favor is that it allows to know the location minor appeals and rejected appeals that do not come from their contact list.

Family Link ]

Google recently launched Family Link an application that allows you to supervise the 39, activity of children up to the age of 13 who create an email or account on social networks

It is not a question of parental control as the previous cases, but it does appeal to agreements between parents and children to watch content on the Internet, as is the case of YouTube the giant video platform. Like the applications mentioned above, you will be able to know what the boys consume and the time they spend, even if it is early morning.

The case of Chrome searches (the Google browser) is the most "colorful" since, for example, the father receives a notification where he is when from the boy's cell they search for words like "badgraphy" that generates an alert in the Safe Search configuration that is already preloaded on your mobile phone once the application is downloaded

Available in Android Parents Must Download the application on their own mobile phone or tablet and create a Google account for their child via the Family Link app. Then, on the child's device, parents or guardians must connect with the newly created account and configure the controls according to the limits and permissions of each family.

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