If you are someone who enters the bathroom with a cell phone, you should think twice


Privacy is a problem which, it seems, seems to fade with the advancement of technology over time. Beyond the personal information shared by the same users on platforms such as there is sensitive content that people with computer skills can illegally obtain, such as photographs, documents, pbadwords and words pbadword.

The skills of these cybercriminals can even be shaken by terror, as computer security companies, such as Kaspersky Lab claim that these people have the ability to remotely manipulate devices like cell phones and computers to access the camera so you can see what the owner is doing in real time. If the offender manages to capture a sensitive situation, he can use this material to extort his victim.

Series of Netflix as Black Mirror and The Paper House They showed this reality.

The first, in the chapter " Shut Up and Dancing ," shows how a computer crime criminal installs a virus on a young person's computer and then Record it while masturbating while watching child badgraphy, then send the video telling you that you have two options: do what you ask for or allow your secret to be made public.

In the case of the Spanish series, you can see how this computer skill is used by the police to see, through the phones of the kidnapped, inside the national currency and Stamp Factory and try to find out. identify the faces of the kidnappers.

"All mobile devices are prone to spying by taking a bath or reading a book, using our mobile phone, a computer virus that captures a compromised situation, personal data or secret information that may become public by connecting to the Internet may go unnoticed, "said Dmitry Bestuzhev, director of Kaspersky Lab's Research and Analysis Group for Latin America

For this manager, another risk to which a person is Exposed when she enters the bathroom with her cellphone relates to physical problems such as contaminating with bacteria or suffering electrical shocks if she is connected to an outlet, something most likely to understand the wet conditions that characterize a

However, this expert ensures that the message, beyond the use or not the phone in the bathroom, is that computer threats are everywhere, so it recommends users to use the systems in the security forms that protect their devices against these attacks.

"As a general rule, users do not use security solution for their mobile device, especially one that detects unauthorized access to information or locates or blocks the device to distance in case of loss or theft, leaving the information exposed to cybercriminals who see it as an opportunity to execute their crimes, "said the professional.

From: elespectador.com

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