President Daniel Ortega admits masked paramilitary action in Nicaragua


Nicaragua is experiencing a profound social and political crisis. Since April 18, the dead are already counted by the hundreds, the wounded by the thousands and demonstrations against President Ortega do not stop. According to various human rights organizations, the balance of these three months is between 295 and 448.

The country of Central America seems to be facing an inevitable confrontation while more than 100 days of continuous events have already been completed. what the national media in Nicaragua call an "unprecedented day of interviews", which President Daniel Ortega gave to the international media: Euronews and CNN in Español, Ortega denied he wanted to continue in power, bring back the dead to 195 in the crisis and admitted the action of parapolicías to that called "voluntary police".

Concretely in his interview with Euronews, admitted that in his government there are groups of "voluntary police" "masked" who take care of controlling the order in the " special operations". These statements take place more than a hundred days after the start of protests in the country that have already ended the lives of more than 300 people.

Despite having repeatedly denied that his government would control paramilitary groups accused of repression of demonstrators and human rights violations, Daniel Ortega acknowledged that these groups are part of his government.

5 Ortega's Lies in @ euronewses : 1. The paramilitaries are "volunteer police". 2. There are 195 dead, the others are "common crimes". 3. In CA the elections have never been advanced 4. Renouncing it is causing anarchy 5. Here there is separation Government-Family

– Carlos F Chamorro (@cefeche) July 30, 2018

When the journalist Oscar Valero reminded him that the BBC had questioned these paramilitary and that they defined themselves as collaborators of the Nicaraguan police Ortega had no choice but to accept:

No, we have what we call the "voluntary" police (…) The agent volunteer police in special operations is hidden under normal circumstances. There are even countries in Latin America where judges are masked so as not to kill them.

It is the first time that Ortega admits the existence of a special police or voluntary, infiltrated in the demonstrations and who acts under cover. In a previous interview for Fox News, the leader of the Sandinista revolution flatly denied the existence of any group parallel to the police.

In his first international interview, Ortega said that it was groups funded by opposition parties. United States

– La Prensa Nicaragua (@laprensa) July 31, 2018

Formerly considered a liberator and a leader, today Daniel Ortega faces the rejection of a people who once cheered and accuses right-wing groups of distorting the reality of the country by falsifying the figures of the dead in order to destabilize their government.

"They invent deads that then appear alive"

Interview with Andrés Oppenheimer for CNN in Español, the President of Nicaragua says that the death figures recorded by several organizations "are data that do not have were purified "and to which" they added the deceased in familiar areas or for the common crime ". In this sense, he notes that his government has "verified 195 deaths" since the beginning of the demonstrations in April.

The photo that he presented @oppenheimera to Daniel Ortega was taken by the correspondent of the PRESS in Leon during paramilitary attacks against the barricades of this city # SOSNicaragua >> #OrtegaCaraaCara [19659004] – The Prensa Nicaragua (@laprensa) July 31, 2018

On the other hand, in the same interview, he also stated that he would accept a referendum to decide on the holding of the presidential elections scheduled for 2021. In this way, the Nicaraguan president would bow to the vote. one of the demands of the opposition, which demands that the elections be held in 2019 to put an end to the political crisis of the country. "We could ask people, of course, yes, if people say yes, we will go to early elections, but they say no, the opposition will say that we have made fraud . "

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