Calculate your ideal weight here with the most effective formula


Knowing the ideal weight is one of the best tools to fight the various conditions that put your health at risk, however,The tools offered by the website tend to give unsatisfactory results based on superficial operations fairly well adjusted to the actual conditions of each person.

The World Health Organization (WHO) and the Spanish Society for the Study of Obesity (SEEDO) have stepped up their campaigns in recent years to raise awareness of the need to maintain a balance this ensures the stability and proper functioning of the body.

Then we report the link by which you can access one of the most powerful tools to know your ideal weight Based on six specific data:

—–> calculate your ideal weight here <—–

For its part, High Level magazine describes the following basic steps to achieve this goal:

1. Reduce chronic stress. According to a study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, daily stress, such as work demands, disagreements with loved ones, and increasing indebtedness of unpaid expenses, is linked to weight gain.

There are three ways to help reduce stress: practice the following activities from 30 minutes to an hour: physical exercise, meditation, or deep spiritual reflection. You can also help your body fight against stress with nutritional supplements containing "adaptogenic" herbs, such as ginseng, astragalus or licorice.

2. Satisfies and reduces cravings for sugar and junk food. One way to satisfy and reduce cravings is to stimulate the chemicals in your brain that make you feel good.

The three tried-and-tested methods to reduce stress have also been proven: they also stimulate chemicals that make you feel good.

Do not forget that less food cravings helps you choose healthier foods and eliminate fats.

3. The best exercises to burn fat. The first exercise to burn fat and stimulate HGH is traditional bodybuilding as well as cardiovascular exercise.

Fitness Management Magazine conducted an eight-week study in which they were separated into two groups. One group did 30 minutes of aerobics exercises, while the second group performed 15 minutes of aerobics exercises (fixed bike) and 15 minutes of weight training (Nautilus type devices). ). The results were surprising, while the first group reduced their weight by 1.6 kg, their weight of fat by 1.4 kg and their weight by 0.2 kg of muscle, the second group lost 3.6 kg of body weight, 4.5 kg of fat and their muscle weight of 0.9 kilograms.

Performing cardiovascular exercise at regular intervals also helps burn fat. Slow exercises should be alternated in intense sequences of less than 20 minutes.

If exercise is not your thing, try walking. A study from Loughborough University found that women who divide their 30 minutes into three 10-minute steps lost more weight and reported more waist circumference than they wanted to walk for 30 minutes without getting stuck. ;Stop.

Walking after eating, it's more effective because it aids digestion and burns calories instead of letting them go to the hips.

4. Lose weight while you sleep. Research now shows that seven or more hours of deep, restorative sleep burn the extra fat by releasing more growth hormone (HGH), in addition to leptin, the hormone that suppresses the condition. appetite.

A study in women showed that those who slept only five hours a night were 32% more likely to gain weight (15 kilos or more increase and 15% more to become obese) during pregnancy. a 16-year investigation. years, compared to women who slept 7 hours or more at night.

With regard to sleep supplements, studies have repeatedly shown that Vitamin D3 (found in dairy products, fish oil and egg yolk) is effective in promoting sleep.

5. Clean your body. Consuming few calories intermittently during your internal cleaning days will help you burn more fat, as many investigations reveal. After 24 hours of ingestion of very few calories, the elimination of fats increased by more than 50%, as reported Protein Review.

At the same time, it was found that there were "protein retention effects of growth hormone in times of very low caloric intake" and that the elimination of proteins that develop musculature is lower than expected, according to Danish medical researchers. .

It is recommended to clean your body for one to two days, two to four times a month.

6. Keep the right proteins. Inadequate proteins delay the process of fat removal. It is worthwhile to speed up this process with additional proteins. A randomized clinical trial has shown that the action of a whey protein supplement increases fat loss and maintains muscle tissue in obese individuals.

7. Increase your ability to burn fat. Consume fiber When overweight people add 14 grams of fiber to their diet without restriction, they lose on average 1.8 kg in just under four months.

Many benefits are gained from eating low-glycemic raw fruits and vegetables (which cause a slight increase in blood sugar), such as celery, apples and carrots during the day.

Do not forget that to lose weight, one must make efforts: exercise, sleep well, have a balanced diet and reduce stress are the four pillars of a healthy weight and weight. A slender body.

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