Netflix gives more details on the Saint Seiya remake, in addition to a new poster, synopsis and an estimated release for 2019. The zodiac knights!
Another good ad in the recent presentation of Netflix in Tokyo – from elsewhere Evangelion and Rilakkuma– it was the confirmation of the remake of Saint Seiya: Knights of the Zodiac.
Netflix revealed that the global launch of this renewed anime will take place in the summer of 2019, in addition to this new poster (confirming that the style of this animates it will be CG):
The official synopsis of the 12 episodes of 30 minutes (first season) of Saint Seiya: Knights of the Zodiac is: "The new series follows adventures modern young warriors called "Knights", sworn protectors of the reincarnated Greek goddess Athena. Each knight uses a powerful armor based on his Zodiac constellation and is called Zodiac Knight. They help Athena in her battle against the mighty gods of Olympus determined to destroy humanity. "
What do you think? This new animated version is directed by Yoshiharu Ashino (Tweeny Witches), with Eugene Son (Avengers: The Secret Wars) as editor of the story and senior editor. The character design is provided by Temuri Ishii (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: The Diamond is Unbreakable) and the producer is of course Toei Animation.
In addition, he was introduced to the Range from Netflix that anime sci-fi 7 seeds will arrive in April 2019 in charge of GONZO studios, in addition to the return of ULTRAMAN (hybrid animates CG / 2D) the same month. Here is the trailer:
They can add Saint Seiya on your Netflix list, ACÁ.
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