The 20 names with 3 letters for boys and girls will be in fashion in 2019


According to Vix, the advantage of short names is that they are easy to pronounce, that they combine with long family names, that they can look like nicknames (there will be no possible option of damage it or minimize it further), they are easy to memorize and have great meaning.

These are the names that will dominate 2019 and have been recommended by the portal:

Ada: way "Beauty"

Ana: comes from Hebrew and means "funny or full of grace"

Bia: "strong and powerful"

Emy: "blessed and protected"

Eve: it comes from Hebrew and means "who has life or full of life"

Isa: "pure and chaste"

Ivy: It comes from the English and is the name of a plant.

Lily: you can write with & # 39; s & # 39; s & # 39; s or with & # 39; z & # 39; and that means "God of abundance"

Mel: its Greek origin and its means "Soft".

Zoe: it comes from the Greek and means "lively"

Ben: its origin is Hebrew and means "Son"

Edu: "keeper of riches"

Eli: it comes from the Bible and means "the highest"

Ian: "a God's gift"

Leo: comes from Latin and means "lion (the king)"

High: comes from Latin and means "The biggest"

Oto: you can also type with double & # 39; t & # 39; and that means "prosperous"

Rui: is of Germanic origin and means "famous and powerful"

Teo: "God".

Tom: they come from Aramaic and that means "twin"

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