Attorney General Suspends Carlos Prasca for Three Months


The Attorney General's office announced Friday morning the provisional suspension, after the opening of a disciplinary investigation, of the Rector of the University of Atlántico, Carlos Prasca Muñoz, following the allegations of badual harbadment Public light at the end of January.

In a statement, the prosecution said the precautionary measure was necessary "to conduct a full investigation within the alma mater" because the presence of Prasca in the cloister of the university "could hinder "the progress of the investigation.

Likewise, the statement stated that "a repetition of the alleged conduct would be avoided, to which would be added the possible absence of guarantees as to the integrity of the persons likely to be". be affected, who keep their name in reserve when they fear for their safety ".

The alleged behavior referred to by the public prosecutor is linked to a series of discussions that in late January circulated on social networks during which Prasca had an intimate conversation with a woman. To this broadcast, photographs and audios of conversations with high badual content have been added, which have not yet been verified.

In the face of these conversations, the rector said that he and his family had been blackmailed. He also noted that these images corresponded to a montage and a "piracy" of his account on the social network Facebook.

A test

But the story seemed to have a setback when the media encountered a notarized document containing the affidavit of student Laura Romero Peña. This is supposed to be the test of reign that Rector Prasca had to defend his innocence before the denunciations.

In the document, Romero Peña declares "spontaneously" and under oath that "I have never had intimate relationships or been badually harbaded" by Professor Prasca.

"I have received messages through an intermediary, apparently from Messrs. Roberto Figueroa Molina and Antonio Vallejo Morales (member of the Superior Council of the Universidad del Atlántico), with the aim of helping them to form an badembly against Professor Carlos Prasca, to submit to the competent authorities that said lord had violently accessed or badually abused me, "says the document dated 12 February 2019.

These media have had access to further evidence establishing that the Attorney General's Office has the power to prosecute the case, where a victim indicates that he has received a call from the rector after organizing a meeting related to a project in the context of the student demonstrations.

On the basis of these stories, the Atlantic Regional Office agrees that there is a "violation" of Prasca Muñoz's obligations.


The investigation is conducted "in order to determine any irregularities that may be committed and determine whether they constitute a disciplinary offense".

However, the leaders of his defense team, lawyer Mauricio Téllez, said that he would appeal the decision of the public prosecutor.

"From now on, we will try to get the record so that the defense can present the relevant arguments to obtain the annulment of the decision," Tellez said.

"Provisional suspension is a guarantee that the defendant will not interfere in the conduct of the investigation," said the lawyer.

"My partner has received a vulgar appeal from the rector"

These media had access to one of the statements that add to the evidence that the Attorney General's office has the power to pursue the investigation against the rector of Prasca.

The story, according to the public prosecutor, was "spontaneously" by a student alma mater.

The story tells that in April 2018, two students met with rector Carlos Prasca "in the presbytery of the university" to discuss a topic related to a project that we had presented in the context of student mobilizations in response to the demand for higher budget for higher education.

One of the students made the following statement to the public prosecutor: "After this meeting, my colleague received a call from the rector of the university, which appears on the CD provided in these proceedings, where the rector is responsible for the address to my companion with an obvious harbading attitude, which is not only indicated in this audio recording, but it was already doing it from other virtual platforms with obscene language and this attitude was repetitive ".

On January 31, as part of the act that took place in the auditorium of the Plaza de la Paz and which called "Atlantic without indifference to violence, Laura Rendón, student in History from Uniatlantico, spoke in front of the media of communication about cases of badual harbadment that allegedly were presented in the school by educators to students. Prasca case.

"These cases of harbadment are not one, two or three.These are things that have been presented for years at the Universidad del Atlántico.In fact, the human rights office of the university is working to a report in which it is written that the Uniatlántico is the one who suffers the most badual harbadment compared to all public universities in the country.This is a delicate situation that concerns us all because there is a roadmap to face to this problem, "said the student.

"A wise decision"

As a "wise" decision has qualified the representative of the teachers before the Higher Council, Roberto Figueroa, the measure of the Attorney General's office to temporarily suspend the rector of the University of the Atlantic, Carlos Prasca.

"This precautionary measure is intended to prevent Prasca, by its position, from interfering with or manipulating the course of the investigation.In addition, it aims to protect the accusers in order to avoid any persecution" said the counselor.

For Figueroa, the process seeks to establish, determine and verify "everything that has been said and happened during the process".

"The most appropriate thing is what just happened, because of the climate of the university," said Figueroa.

EL HERALDO called the other members of the Superior Council, but they had their cell phones in a mailbox.

The @PGN_COL took the decision to suspend for a period of three months, as a precautionary measure, the rector of the U. del Atlántico, Carlos Prasca, as part of the open investigation into complaints of badual harbadment against the women's collective of the educational center: @fcarrilloflorez #sancionsisepuedeEs

– Procuraduría Colombia (@PGN_COL) March 1, 2019

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