A charge of charges the ex-governor of Magdalena Luis Miguel Cotes


According to the Office of the Prosecutor, the exmandatario would be involved in the irregularities that were presented in the awarding of a gambling contract.

Luis Miguel Cotes was governor of Magdalena between the years 2012 and 2015. File.

On Tuesday, July 10, a hearing will be held to accuse the former Governor of Magdalena, Luis Miguel Cotes for the contract crime without complying with the legal requirements in the Superior Court facilities. Bogotá Apparently, the exmandatario department incurred in any irregularities in the direction of the tender offer of the concession of the permanent betting games in 2012 with Aposmar SA, which allegedly had links with the woman of questioned businessman Enilce López, alias La Gata

# ATENCIÓN # Prosecutor will impute to the former governor of #Magdalena (2012-2015), Luis Miguel Cotes , for alleged irregularities in the award of the contract of chance. The hearing is scheduled for tomorrow, July 10, in the Superior Court of # Bogotá

– Office of the Prosecutor Colombia (@FiscaliaCol) July 9, 2018

Cotes is the son of Álvaro Vivid Odds, brother of the current governor of Magdalena, Rosa Cotes; and nephew of Luis Miguel Cotes Vives. The Cotes family is recognized in the region for its broad political power. Several critics surrounded his election as governor in 2012. One of them relates to the alleged support of former governors Trino Luna, convicted by the parapolitics and Ómar Diazgranados, called at trial for his badumptions links with DMG

In 2007, he aspired to the Magdalena Assembly for liberalism and got nearly 12,000 votes. He stayed there for over two years before resigning to run for the Magdalena government. The "Mello" Cotes, as it is called in the city of Santa Marta, is also accordion since childhood and it is this artistic facet that has earned him recognition in the department .

Confronting the case of awarding a contract, apparently irregularly to Aposmar SA, in 2014, the Attorney General's office asked Governor Magdalena to inspect the Awarding of contracts that were awarded to the company in charge of games of chance in the region . For the public prosecutor's office at that time, there was no proper supervision of this public tender call process in the Magdalena Department and in the city of Santa Marta. This award was presented from March 1st 2013 to February 28th of this year.

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