A Colombian soldier dies in combat with ELN guerrillas in Cauca | ELESPECTADOR.COM


The deceased soldier was part of a group of soldiers who were engaged in drug trafficking in the constituency of Playa Rica

Late professional soldier Lewis David Rico Sánchez National Army

A soldier Colombian died and two others were injured in a fight with guerrillas of the National Liberation Army (ELN) in a rural area of ​​the municipality of El Tambo, Department of Cauca, reported military sources today.

The deceased soldier, Lewis David Rico Sanchez, was part of a group of soldiers who were engaged in the fight against drug trafficking in the corregimiento of Playa Rica, part of El Tambo, detailed the army in a statement.

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The army has fallen into a field prepared with explosives and has then fought with guerrillas José María Becerra of ELN. "After the battle, the two wounded soldiers were transferred to a medical center where they are currently" recuperating ", the report says.

On the other hand, this Sunday , the army reported that at least two members of a criminal gang, originally composed of FARC dissidents, were killed in an operation by Colombian military forces and [1] in a rural area of ​​Tumaco, a municipality bordering with Ecuador.

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The two dead and the inmates were part of a group called "United Guerrillas of the Pacific", whose leader is alias "David" and who was originally trained by the former guerrillas FARC although it was later reinforced by the recruitment of people from the region.

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