A fire at Campo Valdes left a dead person


In the hours of Thursday evening, the sound of the sirens interrupted the night of the inhabitants of Campo Valdés. Around 7:30 pm Two fire trucks arrived at the intersection between Carrera 49 and 77th Street to witness a citizen fire report.

According to the emergency response agencies, by the time firefighters entered the house, they found that at the bottom of it there were 20 pipettes to helium made house . One of them had a leak and was recording high temperatures.

Diego Moreno, Deputy Director of Disaster Management at the Department of Risk Management and Disaster Management, Dagrd, said staff also found no vital signs in the corridor of the house. A 41 year old man.

"There was an explosion that damaged the roof structure and the shock wave managed to reach the person with one of the valves, who wounded him. and apparently caused his death, "said the official.

Moreno added that up to now the urgency has not been controlled in its entirety, since the leak is still active, but constant cooling with the other pipettes to prevent further explosion.

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