A Japanese startup is preparing to create artificial showers in 2020


Innovation in the world of astronomy arrives in Japan dramatically. How is it possible to create artificial showers of stars?

From time to time, the rain of stars returns to our lives to show us how awesome the universe is . For example, the Geminids led the last rain of 2017 stars, an amazing event since they come from an asteroid, something almost unusual.

As you have to wait a few months or even years to enjoy the next astronomical event, a Japanese startup thought a rather interesting idea . Why not artificially create rains of stars? The project is very advanced and we expect that we can see the first example in 2020.

Sky Canvas: Artificially Light the Sky

According to Digital Trends, ALE Co. is the company Japanese origin of this innovative plan. Why wait for a rain of stars when you can pay for them? It is the idea of ​​startup, which wants to create artificial rain showers for whoever wants it .

The project that encompbades these ideas called Sky Canvas and, according to the company itself, find it very advanced. Such is their progress that it seems that Japan could become [20209004] 2020 in the first country that has an artificial rain of stars. If all goes as planned, this event will take place in the city of Hiroshima

We already know who, when and where, but how ALE Co. will create this astronomical phenomenon in the sky? The following explanatory video helps us get closer to the process of creating artificial stars.

Sky Canvas has some fundamental members: a satellite formed in turn by microsatellites. As detailed in the Europa Press Agency, the main satellite expels microsatellites of about 1 cm in diameter from the atmosphere, which contains a patented chemical formula that makes them shine when they enter the atmosphere.

The brightness that these little balls show in the sky makes them look like natural shooting stars, something like fireworks that take place at the edge of the atmosphere. It should be noted that the artificial phenomenon unfolds significantly, since each satellite can hold up to 400 bullets, which can be reused up to 20 and 30 emissions.

There is no detail without refinement in Sky Canvas. The technology developed by ALE Co. allows project owners to control the main satellite 100%, choose where the incendiary bullets will be directed and even decide what colors and what level of brightness they will have. With all these functions, it is difficult for the artificial rain of stars to amaze anyone who sees them.

A whole country behind the rain of stars

We already mentioned that Japan would become the first country to enjoy a rain of stars if the event planned for 2020 is going well. This seems to have encouraged large national companies to finance the project, as is the case of Japan Airlines and the FamilyMart chain of stores, which is already preparing the launch of products to celebrate the show. .

The Japan Times advance, the first satellite will be launched in space in March 2019 with a rocket from the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency. The second satellite will be released in the middle of next year, although it will do so in a rocket owned by a private company. In the event that these dates are met, the first artificial stellar shower can be seen in the Hiroshima and Setouchi areas by 2020 .

Japan will soon have the first artificial stellar shower. Where to go

This event that will take place in two years will be decisive for the future of the Japanese startup. A so-called success would raise the hopes of the company, which is already thinking of working anywhere in the world . "We also hope to join great events like the Olympics and the World Cup" said Lena Okajima, founder and CEO of ALE

The possibility of directing both satellites and balls that contain facilitates the marketing abroad of Sky Canvas. These satellites operate for 24 months, so they can be sent thousands of miles away while it is controlled that they have the right place, the right speed and the right direction.

"Our fleet of shooting stars will be in space and can be delivered worldwide" concluded Okajima, offering his project to any citizen who wants (and can financially) enjoy an artificial shower star in the garden. There is $ 20 million invested in this project, so its leaders want to start marketing soon to recover some of this bet. Start date: 2020.

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