A minor death and two wounded by lightning in the district of Naples, south of Cali


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November 29, 2018 – 6:20 pm
2018-11-29 By:

Writing of El País

A 17-year-old miner died and two other people were injured in the afternoon of Thursday by lightning that fell on the district of Naples, south of Cali.

The facts, which have been confirmed by the Cali Health Secretariat and the Immediate Response Unit, URI, of the prosecutor's office, are currently the subject of an investigation.

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The miner, identified as Andrés Esteban Guerrero, was with the other people setting up a feeder in a field in the Red Dust area, when the impact of the lightning struck.

The young man, initially injured, was transferred to the hospital Mario Correa Rengifo, but arrived at the scene without vital signs.

The other two injured, identified as Miguel Angel Hoyos Castro, 32, and Juan David Gonzalez Gutiérrez, 24, are currently under medical surveillance in the same place.

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