A new cycle of dialogue begins "in a difficult moment": ELN


In Cuba, the peace talks between the government and the guerrillas will continue with a new cycle

With the beginning of the sixth round of negotiations, several critics of the National Liberation Army (ELN) ) also arrived. ), who, in a statement, said that the new stage of dialogue in search of a peace agreement begins "at a difficult time."

According to the guerrillas, the reasons for the difficulties lie in the fact that the government has not been able to badume commitments, such as the guarantee of respect and execution by the State, proposed transformations in the process and agreed at the table or "the reciprocity of the two parties in accordance with the agreements" "

Background: The long fifth cycle of dialogues with the ELN ends [19659005] Another point of discussion in which the government would condition the participation of society in the construction of the agreement that it is at a ceasefire before. "The proposals and initiatives that initiate the process of participation are the basis of the table to address agreements on transformations. But contradictions remain about the extent of participation in territories and social sectors, methodology and design to collect the conclusions and their effective impact " according to the guerrillas. significant differences that prevented the signing of a new ceasefire.In the same way, the insurgency put on the table its concern for the modifications that the agreement signed with the FARC could to have in Congress.

On Monday, the dialogues between the two parts are resumed in Havana, Cuba.This new cycle will be the last to be realized with Juan Manuel Santos as president of the Republic. the hands of the new President Iván Duque Márquez, who has already laid down certain conditions for the continuation of the dialogue table, such as the concentration of guerrillas in specific areas of the national territory. ional and the cessation of all violent actions by the guerrillas.

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