A woman who abducted an 18-month-old baby was seen at a restaurant in Cali


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July 27, 2018 – 19:35
2018-07-27 From:

El País editorial

A woman, named after the kidnapping of a baby in Cúcuta, was seen in a restaurant in Cali with the baby in his arms.

This was announced by the media stating that the mother of the child recognized the woman in a video that circulated on Friday and corresponds to the file of a security camera in a restaurant of the capital of Valle.

For his part, the director of the Gaula, General Fernando Murillo, announced that they offer up to $ 50 million reward for anyone providing information allowing the capture of the person responsible for 18 months baby abduction.

"We know from intelligence that apparently the person responsible for the abduction is heading south, seeking to reach Ecuador through the Nariño region. This is why the authorities of this region are on alert in the land, air and border areas to prevent it from leaving the country, "said the director of the Gaula National Police.

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