Affected by the rains in Colombia: The children are the most affected by the floods in Guainia: Church | Regional


The priest William Yesid Ibarra Diaz representative of the Fundación San José Obrero says that the torrential downpours that caused great floods in Guainía practically "fenced" the inhabitants .

With the permission of the Guainía church

Iglesia Guanía

" The water closes us.The neighborhoods are flooded, this phenomenon has not been presented since 40 years According to the grandparents. We were not prepared for a flood of this type .Some people left their case because the water was very high, "said the prelate.

Courtesy of Iglesia Guainía

Iglesía Guainía

He said that the victims are in the Colosseum, on the sports fields or in a home of Inírida because the situation is very critical.

"The worst thing is seeing children suffering from malnutrition without clothes Ibarra Díaz

The spokesman said that "There is an entire empty neighborhood that is hopeful and we have seven other neighborhoods that have been affected and another area where only the second floor of a school remains because the structure is flooded. "

Local authorities reported that the number of casualties is increasing daily in the department's capital.

In a 76 cent, are indigenous communities but conditions for providing care are not available.

"Food for children, food, mosquitoes, medicines are the main needs we have". Father Ibarra .

Guainía Church

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