Alert in Bello, Antioquia, for the marketing of counterfeit medicines


Some of the products are badual potentiators, diet pills, dietary supplements, among others. The mayor of the municipality and Invima make the call to buy the products in places of trust.

In several facilities in the municipality of Bello, north of Medellín, drugs that are not approved by Invima are sold. The mayor and the regulator have issued an alert to prevent consumers from buying these products.

"The National Institute for Food and Drug Monitoring (INVIMA) informs the public that certain products such as are being traded fraudulently, badual supplements, food supplements, diet pills, creams and multivitamins Who declare health records that do not match or do not exist.Therefore, these products do not have Invima sanitary register and their marketing in Colombia is illegal, "the statement said.

Read more: It is the five most prescribed drugs outside the benefits plan in 2017.

The products they refer to are: Extreme Beard, Ultra Testo, Fresh Cheese (Prolácteos La Unión), Oriel, Purgative Wanted, Purgative 123, Escobita Purgative Antibiotic Chinese, Laxogen Purgante, Purgalón, Desparasitín, Wormbane, Milk Casingua with Piperazine, Urosulfan, Bio Sexxy More Sexual Potentiator, Prostafull, Lax Colon, Nutricerebral Wine, Chancapiedra, Biogenta Gentamicin, Calcium Multivitamin

The Invima recommends to people who have consumed products in a state of alert that the suspend immediately, even if 39, they do not present problems after consumption, because could cause health problems.

"It is recommended to consumers to take into account these measures: do not buy drugs or food supplements without sanitary registration in effect. Keep in mind Many of these fraudulent products are sold on websites and WhatsApp channels. "

You may be interested: Invima has approved 24 drugs in 2017.

The authorities ask to denounce sites that they sell these drugs and also Invima provides on its website a space to write complaints, complaints and claims against a product.

The secretary to Bello's health inspects institutions that sell drugs in the municipality, however, ask citizens to join the work of not supporting the illegality and [toujours] to check the provenance and registration of Invima products.

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