Alert of a measles outbreak in nearly 100 countries, which will have "disastrous" consequences


The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) on Thursday issued a report warning against a mbadive measles outbreak likely to affect even countries where cases of this disease have never been recorded. The epidemic reaches "alarming levels", according to specialists.

The document indicates that last year, 98 countries measles cases have increased compared to 2017. The experts of the body have drawn up a list of countries listed in the "ranking" black of the spread of the disease. The & # 39;top 10& # 39; is led by Ukraine, where in 2018 there were 30,338 more cases of measles compared to 2017, followed by second place by the Philippines (13,192 other cases), followed by Brazil (10,262). In addition, the list includes Yemen (6,641), Venezuela (4,916), Serbia (4,355), Madagascar (4,307), Sudan (3,496), Thailand (2,758) and France (2,269).

Civil conflict, poor medical infrastructure or lack of awareness in society are among the causes of the epidemic. The specialists also accuse the "misinformation" of the population on the disease. The report reported that "the negative attitudes towards vaccination and previous vaccine shortages "in the Lvov region, in western Ukraine, have resulted in" low vaccination rates "in the region." Measles can be the disease, but very often the infection itself is misinformation, mistrust and complacency, "said Henrietta Fore, executive director of Unicef.

According to the report, this disease is "extremely contagious"and presents a higher risk of infection than Ebola, tuberculosis and influenza". In this context, Fore emphasized that "the lack of action" in this regard "will have disastrous consequences for the kids tomorrow. "

What are the symptoms and how is it transmitted?

According to the World Health Organization, the first symptoms of measles are high fever, runny nose, red eyes and small white spots inside the cheeks, and usually appear between 8 and 12 days after the infection. Subsequently, a reddish rash develops, progressively spreading throughout the body.

Measles is transmitted by small droplets from the nose, mouth and pharynx of infected people.

Most patients recover in two or three weeks. However, measles This can cause serious complicationslike blindness, encephalitis, severe diarrhea, ear infections and pneumonia.

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