Alias ​​"Cherry" does not accept the charges of kidnapping Ecuadorian journalists | ELESPECTADOR.COM


Gustavo Angulo Arboleda was indicted for the abduction of Javier Ortega, Paul Rivas and Efraín Segarra, members of the journalistic team of "El Comercio". The detention would have been carried out in this country aka "Roberto" and aka "Cristian".

Gustavo Angulo Arboleda, aka "Cherry", upon his arrival at the Paloquemao judicial complex.
Cristian Garavito-El Espectador

Before the Municipal Criminal Court 45 of Guarantees Control, the Attorney General's Office accused the charges of aggravated conspiracy and kidnapping extorted aggravated Gustavo Angulo Arboleda, alias Cherry a member of the dissident group known as Óliver Sinisterra led by Walter Patricio Arizala, aka Guacho . The indictment is given for the abduction of Javier Ortega, Paul Rivas and Efraín Segarra, team of journalists from El Comercio .

The prosecutor in the case accused Cherry as the material author of the detention of Oscar Villacis and Katty Velasco, murdered in captivity as well as the journalistic team and as co-perpetrator of the killing of the three CTI agents killed on the road from Tumaco to Pasto (Nariño) on July 11

(You may be interested: the Prosecutor will also charge "Reinel" for his arrest. (murdered Ecuadorian journalists)

Angulo Arboleda, transferred to the Paloquemao Judicial Complex, was 27 years old and was part of the Farc's Column Daniel Aldana before joining the dissent that created alias Guacho in mid-2016, as explained by the Prosecutor's Office. He was born in Tumaco and studied until the third year of elementary school. This organization, said the body of investigation, is dedicated to extortion, attacks on pipelines, vehicles and electric towers, drug trafficking activities and homicides in the region . ] Guacho .

In addition, the Siniverra Front would be formed by some 300 people and would count 150 support militiamen in the border area with Ecuador in Nariño. "This organization has as chief alias Guacho of Ecuadorian origin and middle managers who are identified as aliases El Gringo Smurf and Reinel (already captured) and Mocho "added the prosecutor

The prosecutor's office revealed that the kidnapping of Ecuadorian journalists took place on March 26 on the territory of that country – by two dissidents already identified – then They were transferred to Colombia. "To be responsible for the commission of the kidnapping of the criminal organization, (19459011) Cherry) was the one who received them in Colombian territory, once they were detained by two members of the organization known by the alias of Roberto and Cristian .Cherry was the one who gave the order of keep them and transmit them to Colombia, "said the prosecutor

(Read: The obstacle in the badbadination investigations of Ecuadorian journalists)

In the case of the Ecuadorian couple, the Attorney General's office has stated that Angulo Arboleda was not the one who had ordered the crime, but that he had kept them for eight days. He also pointed out that Óscar Villacis and Katty Velasco had been tortured and stabbed before his death and that, for this reason, he had accused him of fraud. Even, he took into account that the Front Óliver Sinisterra made public declarations in which he asked for an exchange with the members of this organization that had been captured in Ecuador.

"Public statements were forwarded in which the criminal organization explained that the reason for these kidnappings was seeking an exchange with the Government of Ecuador. Similarly, organization attributed the kidnapping and killing of the five kidnapped, through these statements, "he said." The prosecutor of the case. "The investigative body has taken into account information provided by human sources, interceptions of communications, affidavits, recognitions of photographic documents, among others, to make such an imputation.

(Read: "Reinel" is captured Ecuadorian Journalists)

Gustavo Angulo Arboleda, aka Cherry was also questioned last week before the Prosecutor General's Office and badured investigators that Jesús Vargas Cuajiboy, aka Reinel, allegedly participated not only in the abduction of Ecuadorians, but also in the badbadination of Javier Ortega, Paul Rivas and Efraín Segarra.

Sources close to the process explained to this newspaper that, for this reason, the Office of the Prosecutor, who has already accused Reinel with the crimes of kidnapping extort and conspiracy to commit a crime, Will still appeal to the courts and add one more crime: the murder charge. Until now, Reinel is considered by the Colombian authorities as the guardian of the journalistic team, whose murder in captivity was confirmed on April 12. From Reinel we also know that he has a complaint against him for domestic violence filed by his girlfriend.

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