AMLO sends to Trump the basic proposal of the bilateral relationship in 4 points


Marcelo Ebrard, virtual secretary of Foreign Affairs, said that Andrés Manuel López Obrador presented to the Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, a proposal for bases of understanding with the United States, and especially with President Donald Trump.

He said that as soon as the American president has the letter in his hands, its content will be announced, which includes four areas:

– Trade and renegotiation of NAFTA

– The optics of development that Mexico will have
and how are we trying to fulfill the campaign promise that no one will migrate from Mexico because of poverty and insecurity?

-Include the Central American Countries in an Effort to Integrate Them in Development

– As Well as the Issue of Security

He also noted that the document seeks to ensure that no Mexicans have to emigrate because of poverty or insecurity. He also included the explanation of integral project topics such as the Tehuantepec Isthmus and said the plan was added to include Latin America in the development plans.

"It was a very candid, respectful and cordial dialogue that, I think, is a successful first conversation," Ebrard said at a press conference.

"The question of weapons has not been discussed, we have not reached this level.We make a proposal and hope you have an answer.The smartest is to define the areas of understanding that we can have in the years to come, "he added.

The meeting was attended by possible secretaries for Foreign Affairs (SRE), Marcelo Ebrard; the Office of the Presidency, Alfonso Romo; of governance, Olga Sánchez Cordero; Financing and Public Credit (SHCP), Carlos Urzúa; of economy, Graciela Márquez; Alfonso Durazo, as well as Jesús Seade Kuri and Martha Bárcenas, who will be part of the NAFTA negotiating team.

On behalf of the US team was Mike Pompeo, Secretary of State; Steven Mnuchin, Secretary of the Treasury; Kirstjen Nielsen, Secretary of National Security; and Jared Kushner, White House advisor.

In addition, Marcelo Ebrard indicated that the teams were of the opinion that, while there were upcoming meetings of the NAFTA negotiations, the transition team of 39 AMLO could participate.

"We had a good dialogue, especially because there is a Mexican initiative, which was mentioned is that the government, the next government and the transition team would participate in any renegotiation that could take place in the future. "

He states that there is no date for receiving Donald Trump's answer, but they hope that in the coming weeks they will get it to reveal the details of the report.

The US Government delegation arrived at the offices of the elected virtual president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, in the Roma neighborhood at 1:18 pm

After the meeting he had with US embbady staff and 25 armored trucks with diplomatic plates, the delegation arrived on Insurgentes Avenue, although only the main vehicle has been properly received at the property.

In the neighborhood, protesters with banners were gathered, who launched slogans against the separation of migrant families, migratory measures, as well as respect for human rights.

With information from Mariana León.

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