An intense hailstorm falls in Queretaro and the Marquesas (Twitter @pedro_olvera) [19659005] An intense hail storm falls in Queretaro and in the Marqués
A section of the road ring of Fray Junípero Serra, in direction of La Griega, was covered in white and some people came out of their vehicle to play with the ice.
The Cimatario drain recorded some runoff, so the authorities asked the population to be alert to any eventuality.
Meanwhile, the coordinator of civil protection, Gabriel Bastarrachea i reported that until now do not report injured people, or damage to homes.
An intense hail storm falls in Queretaro and the Marquis (Twitter @pedro_olvera)
An intense hailstorm falls in Queretaro and the Marquesas [19659005OnJuly16heavyhailwasrecordedMondayafternooninthemunicipalityofPátzcuarointhestateofMichoacánTherainstartedaround15:00accompaniedbygustsofwindandlaterahailhitalargepartofthemunicipalityCivilProtectionpersonneldidnotreportdamageduetothenaturalphenomenononlyslowtrafficwasreportedontheroadsconnectingthemunicipality
On May 21, a hail storm hit the delegations Magdalena Contreras, Álvaro Obregón and Tlalpan. In addition, significant floods have been reported in various parts of Tlalpan. The Command, Control, Computing, Communications and Citizen Contact Center of Mexico asked motorists to drive with caution because of the hail that hit the Cuernavaca and Callejón Higuera Railway, Colonia San Miguel Totolapan, Magdalena Contreras [19659013] recorded a strong hailstorm in several parts of Mexico City
On April 28, the people of Mexico City were surprised by a hail storm. The sudden and intense weather phenomenon led people to take pictures and videos. After a hot morning at noon, hail broke out in the western part of Mexico City. A good part of the capitalinos were not prepared for rain with hail. When the shower broke out, people ran for shelter because they did not have adequate clothing for the situation. The strength of the hail was such that several trees were knocked down and some streets flooded. The people of the colonies Del Valle and Narvarte recorded the hail storm
With the information of Bertha Alfaro BLR