Andrés Valencia Pinzón will be the new Minister of Agriculture of Colombia – Government – Politics


President-elect Iván Duque made the announcement on the morning of this Friday

  Andrés Valencia Pinzón

Andrés Valencia Pinzón, new Minister of Agriculture.




July 13, 2018, 7:11 am.

President-elect Iván Duque raised him to the announcement of the new Minister of Agriculture this Friday. In his Twitter account, he wrote that Andrés Valencia Pinzón

was chosen to occupy this portfolio in his government. "I have named Andrés Valencia Pinzón as Minister of the Economy, who has extensive technical and management knowledge and served as President of @FenaviColombia, Commercial Director of @FedeCafeteros, Director of the ICA and negotiator with the WTO, "writes the president-elect.

This is the second minister who announces Duque . On Wednesday, he announced that Alberto Carrasquilla would be his finance minister.

Andrés Valencia Pinzón is an economist at the University of the Andes and currently president of the National Federation of Poultry Farmers of Colombia (Fenavi).

Valencia, as stated in a statement from the Commercial Director Center of the National Federation of Coffee Producers of Colombia, where he also held the position of Representative for Asia, responsible for sales of green coffee and soluble coffee National Coffee Fund in Asian markets.

He was also director general of the Colombian Agricultural Institute and worked between 1993 and 2003 at the Ministry of Foreign Trade, as international negotiator and coordinator (2001-2003) on issues such as the Free Trade Area of ​​the Americas. (FTAA). "

Adding to the Valencia announcement in the Agriculture portfolio, there is an expectation for what Duke said of Guillermo Botero, president of Fenalco.The Conservative Party wrote last night on his account Twitter, that the union leader would be the new minister of defense of the president


See also: The sentences that reveal the thought of Alberto Carrasquilla

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