Android Oreo is installed on 12.1% of smartphones


Android Nougat finally began to fall

Two months ago Google released its latest report on the distribution of Android in its different versions, but in the past two months , there have been some interesting changes to highlight such as Oreo 's growth and Nougat' s fall after a reign of nearly half a year in the market.

According to the new Android distribution corresponding to July 2018, Android Oreo finally reached 12.1% of total smartphones a significant growth of 5.9% it maintained last May.

Also, Android 7.1 Nougat rose 1.4% but Android 7.0 Nougat fell 1.7% obtaining a share of total market of 30.8% of this operating system, generating a decline of 0.3% in the last two months.

Marshmallow reduced its presence to 23.5% from 25.5% last May, while dropped from 22.4% to 20%. , 4% and KitKat falls from 10.3% to 9.1%. In contrast, older versions are also declining, as Jelly Bean dropped 0.7% for a total of 3.6%, Ice Scream Sandwich fell to 0.3% and the bread of 39%. spice gets 0.2%, the second two with a drop of 0.1% over the previous report

In summary, this latest report of the Android distribution clearly shows that more than 85% of Android smartphones run Lollipop or higher great news since many smartphones were running old versions of software, which caused a lot of fragmentation in the platform.

It is surprising to see the growth of Android Oreo over the past 60 days, as they have increased 100% of market share, being the fourth most popular from Android to almost

Surely Android Nougat will start to reduce its market share, while Android Oreo will bounce back because more and more manufacturers of smartphones use the the latest version in their devices from different segments.

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