Another social leader killed in Chaparral, Tolima? ELESPECTADOR.COM


In strange circumstances, there was the killing of Ancízar Cifuentes. Versions say that he has exercised leadership in his community around land restitution.

Photo provided to Blu Radio

This Wednesday, July 4, while traveling on his motorcycle in the village of Calarcá, Chaparral, Tolima, ] Ancízar Cifuentes received three shots who caused his death. While the authorities claim that the murder was motivated by the theft of his vehicle, some claim that he is part of the long list of social leaders who raised their voices and who cost them their lives.

According to the version of Lt. Col. José Óscar Jaramillo, commander in charge of the Tolima Police Department, Cifuentes " was not a social leader of any kind . was agricultural because it had a plot of nine hectares that was delivered by the restitution of land. "

However, other sources, such as the Directorate of Human Rights and Some beneficiaries of the Pan American Foundation for Development, they insist that was part of an organization of victims of the armed conflict and that, in fact, he worked in the locality managing the restitution of the properties.

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For his part, Lieutenant Jaramillo reported that the entity contacted the secretary of the government and that the latter " stated that Mr. had not been president of any community action council and that they did not have him as chief, nor were they part of the Bureau victims of the armed conflict. "

" It was apparently a robbery, because he was traveling on a motorcycle and a motorcycle did not appear, "badured Jaramillo, who said that the incident had been recorded Wednesday at nine o'clock in the evening

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To Camilo Álvarez, participant in the aforementioned movement team, questions the response that the authorities had against the latest cases of killings of social leaders. "The links with the Gulf clan and the attempted robbery, for example, on hypotheses that are born without a clear inquiry procedure and end up justifying and legitimizing the murders."

Álvarez, a large part of the problem in these systematic events lies in the "lack of reaction of the institutions, an almost generalized inefficiency". "They put us in the fact that we want to become the leader of the whole world, but that's not the point. The fact is that there are deaths that respond to community logics and What it means to be a land claimant is nothing and it is clear that gives an activation of criminal groups "he concluded.

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Authorities and social organizations will evaluate the circumstances to really determine how and why Ancízar Cifuentes was murdered.

According to the latest report of the Office of the Ombudsman, From 1 January 2016 to 30 June this year, 311 leaders were killed in the country. Only this week, Luis Barrios was badbadinated in the Atlantic, Santa Felicinda Santamaría at Chocó, Margarita Estupiñán at Nariño and Ana María Cortés at Antioquia.

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