Antonio José Correa investigated for bribery and manipulation of "jam" – Investigación – Justicia


The outgoing senator Antonio José Correa, of the controversial party Opción Ciudadana, became the first member of Congress yesterday splashed by the scandal of the sale of indicative quotas (the former parliamentary aide, recently known as name of

As part of the joint research conducted with the Office of the Comptroller General on corruption in fund management that the national government badigns to projects in the regions through the intermediation of parliamentarians – a practice that , in essence, is legal and has been used by all governments to ensure governance, but that already on the ground is surrounded by controversy, the Prosecutor badures that this congressman would have been left with 12 percent of 39, a set of 3.491 million pesos an agreement with Coldeportes to build a sports scene in El Peñón, in the depressed region of southern Bolivar. " It's the first investigation, of several that are starting to yield results, on the" toxic stuffing ", said prosecutor Néstor Humberto Martínez yesterday when he announced that the prosecution was compiling the respective copies against Senator Correa at the Supreme Court of Justice, which is investigating parliamentarians.

According to the Prosecutor, "the" jam "becomes toxic when the member of a public company gets his address." This, through tokens in the town halls of their regions that previously negotiated with a contractor a millionaire bribe. El Peñón, a small town that can only be reached by ferry, has reached this indicative quota for the construction of a synthetic football field -11 in the district of La Concepción.

According to the evidence collected by the investigators, the agreement was prioritized in late 2016 at Coldeportes, as it is a "senator's quota", Correa, who s & # 39; He was burned in the last election and is now the second deputy speaker of the Senate. In the mega-file, there are more than 50,000 intercepted calls. According to the specific process, Mayor Arling Arias, close to the senator and already captured, would have been contacted by a member of Correa's Legislative Labor Unit to settle the illegal affair.

This mayor would have kept at least 50 million pesos, while several officials of Coldeportes would have received ten million pesos for the design of the project and four million pesos to have it adapted and made viable.

The case opens a Pandora's box on the irregular management of indicative quotas. Thus, a mayor told the Office of the Prosecutor that in fact, less than half of the money paid by the Nation was reaching the projects: "You must pay 12% to the Congressman, and an additional 30% are charged by irregular armed groups The control agencies are studying why certain senators, like the "Ñoños", concentrated for several years indicative quotas for billions of pesos, even several that had nothing to do with their regions d & # 39; origin.

Illegal counseling

For these events were captured, and charges will be charged, Mayor Arias Garcia, Mariela Margarita Trujillo Buelvas, counselor of UTL Correa; Gustavo Álvaro Velandia Segura, a Coldeportes official who made the project technically feasible; Jairo Fidel Ortega Chaparro, also from this entity, who was paid to adjust the structural designs, and Edwin Fabián Moreno Ruiz, a Coldeportes official who, according to the Office of the Prosecutor, disclosed information on the feasibility of the project and released and presented documents.

What the investigators determined was that the plans went awry and that, to escape the law of guarantees, the people involved irregularly accelerated all the procedures in order to sign the bills. ;case. Thus, despite the fact that the drawings were not ready, the agreement was signed in May

Correa, a questioned leader who arrived at the Congress backed by the forces of Enilse López, the "Gata", would have received nearly 500 million coima in two counted. The money for Coldeportes employees was returned to the Senator's advisor's bank account.

The body of inquiry argues that Carlos Hernán Rivera, a former captured officer of Coldeportes, had a company dedicated to the "structuring" of the projects, so that they could be used to the use of indicative millionaires quotas.

The entrepreneurs Carlos Celestino Martelo and Vanesa Margarita Deyongh will be brought before a judge today to legalize their capture on charges of illegal interest in the conclusion of contracts, bribes to give or offer and conspiracy to commit a crime

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