Apple plans to help the blind with a smart jacket that would say goodbye to the cane


All technology companies innovate and develop new tools that make life easier, and many of these ideas are patented to avoid some type of plagiarism.

This is the case of Apple who, as revealed Patently Apple seems to be working on a garment intended for the blind, called "guiding device for the sensory impaired. "

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This is a jacket with which l & # The user can interact quickly and effectively with their environment, through the use of front and back cameras, sensors, NFC, touch fabric, Bluetooth, voice panels and artificial intelligence.

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In this way, the Cupertino society would move away a bit from computers and mobile phones, to make way for devices that help improve the development of people with disabilities, in this case the blame approximately 253 million people worldwide, according to figures from World Health Organization .

It should be noted that this garment would have already been patented, and if it was developed, it would replace canes and guide dogs.

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<p>  According to Patently Apple, the Patent and Trademark Office of the United States issued the patent application for the jacket, whose inventor <strong> Chananiel Weinraub </strong> of Israel </p>
<p>  <strong> See also: It is said that Apple will make a change to the iPhone that seemed impossible but many wanted. </strong> </p>
<p> [19659002]  The curious thing is that it n & # 39; There is no known connection of Weinraub with Apple now or in the past with other inventions, since more than half of the patents in his name are badigned to Texas Instruments. </p>
<p>  <strong> IN VIDEO : This dog loves music and he proves it. </strong> </p>
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