Argentina, a leader in transgenics, advanced in the production of organic seeds


Agencia EFE

It is the first national center of culture of this type, located in the north of the country. The goal is to train nearly 7,000 local producers in the district to reach a "critical mbad" of producers.

With the establishment of the first national center for organic seed cultivation, experts from northern Argentina are seeking to promote these varieties. a country of international renown in the production and export of transgenic crops.

Located in the northern province of Santiago del Estero, the Organic Seed Production Center was until recently an establishment dedicated to growing organic vegetables, until the community The scientist who manages it has decided to convert it to a greenhouse capable of meeting the national demand for organic seeds.

"All producers of organic vegetables need normative organic seeds, the problem is that in Argentina there is no company that produces them and it is almost impossible to comply with this Marcela Ablín, the center's production advisor, told Efe

that the main goal is to develop and train the nearly 7,000 local producers in the district, in order to achieve a "critical mbad" rather than working with the international market. "According to statistics provided by the National Service of Sanitation and Food Quality (SENASA) of Argentina, organic production in the southern country is experiencing an interannual growth of 3%. % and an increase of 13% per year of its exports.

The total of organic products exported from Argentina to the United States and the European Union, the two main destinations of these investments, rose in 2017 to 150.5 million kilograms , mainly grains, oilseeds, fruits, vegetables and vegetables.

In the countries of the European Union and the United States "a lot of organic seeds, but these do not reach Argentina and no one has seen it yet the imperative need, "says Ablín.

Currently the center is working on the production of lettuce, Swiss chard, rocket and pumpkin seeds. although they believe that more vegetables and fruit will be added as the project progresses.

The main challenge of the organic farming technique is in the monitoring of seeds, which must grow without experiencing pollen crossing with others "We reproduce varieties, not hybrids," said Ablín [19659004] In addition to being banned in this process the use of fungicides, insecticides, pesticides and chemical fertilizers, organic production stands out because the period during which the planting fructifies elongates "at least two months more "and where the treatment is done by hand in most cases.

this project, which is a pioneer in the South American country, contrasts with the usual type of production in Argentina, one of the world's largest producers and exporters of cereals.

Soybean, corn and cotton are the three Argentine transgenic industry, especially the first, of which 7.56 million tons are exported each year and a large volume of derivative products, such as oil and flour.

Thus, Argentina ranks second among countries that produce organically, but, in turn, maintains its GM plant which is the main base of its economy.

"Organic production aims to achieve a quality product in all aspects, by rotating crops, taking care of the soil and that diversity does not have pest problems. "is not researched, it is yield per hectare," in contrast to conventional agriculture, says Ablín.

The project joined experts from the Faculty of Agronomy of the University of Buenos Aires, the Municipality of Santiago del Estero, the agency of the National Institute of Seeds and of the Catholic University of Santiago del Estero.

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