armament of alias guacho in Tumaco: In Tumaco they seized abundant war material which would be alias Guacho | Cali


For Water and Land, No. 2 Rapid Deployment Force units badigned to the Joint Stabilization and Consolidation Task Force of the National Army were able to seize it abundant war material in Tumaco, Nariño.

The operations were conducted on July 20 as part of the Atlas of the military and police campaign in the area known as Mataje, where it was possible to reach a craft warehouse containing weapons, communication devices and elaboration of explosives.

According to the authorities, this war material belonged to Residual Organized Residual Group (Gao-r), "Sinisterra iver", who commands Walter Patricio Artízala Vernaza, aka "Guacho & # 39; 39 ;.

A total of 14 rifles, 48,452 ammunition of various calibres, 5 armor-piercing cartridges for 7.62 mm high-precision rifles, 21 rods with 764.5 kg pentolite, 55 grenades 85 grenades were seized. 40mm, 54 pineapple grenades, 381 suppliers of different caliber rifles, 60 antipersonnel mines, 18 improvised explosive devices, 460 electric detonators, 218 improvised manufacturing ammunition, 25 electric detonators, 2,100 meters of detonating cord, 06 communication radios and 40 " The existence of this war material is another example of the pressure exerted by narco-terrorist groups on the civilian population, which in some cases is forced to work in activities related to drug trafficking, "he said. Authorities

Military forces reiterated that the operation is a serious blow to the organization of Guacho, to whom they also seek neutrality. Tsar with the operation "Anaconda"

The armament that was wrapped in plastic with grease and underground, was left at the disposal of the authorities.

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