assassination of an exfarc: the report on the escorts of alias Rojas, the former guerrilla farc killed | New


According to one known report for the Wescorts former guerrilla Pedro Pablo Montoya, aliases & # 39;Red& # 39;, they were informed of their Murder at noon on August 3rd.

The document states that the demobilized was no protection since the past July 16, he goes without him to the municipality of Supía, Caldasbecause their escorts were waiting for a Response on travel expenses.

"The Mister Pedro Pablo Montoya take the decision authoritative travel alone and asks us let the vehicle drive by personnel outside the system, to which we replied that you could not take that risk of traveling without protective men. So the Mr. Pedro Pablo Montoya decided to travel at night"The report says.

The escorts add that they tried to communicate with the former guerrillas without finding an answer.

Finally, he says that his protective men, William Moncada and Victor Acero, tried to communicate again on August 1 through WhatsApp calls and unanswered messages..

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