assassination of social leaders in Caloto: assassinated founder leader of the village of El Carmelo in Caloto, Cauca | Popayan


A peasant leader identified as, Luis Eduardo Dagua Conda a founder of the district of El Carmelo in the municipality Caloto ] in the north from Cauca was found lifeless by communities doing community work in the area.

According to the version of Francisco Isaiah Cifuentes Human Rights Network, the body of this chief recorded blows on his face when he perished with stones

In addition to being one of the founders of the village El Carmelo, Dagua Conda to part of Fensuagro Patriotic March and was the father of Eduardo Dagua ex-fighter of the Farc and who was in the process of reincorporation

"From the departmental administration recha We conduct all kinds of acts of violence against the leaders social, we are always articulated with the public force and the research organizations, working on the security strategies in the zones and setting up mechanisms of investigation making it possible to clarify the situations presented in an expeditious manner. Secretary of the governeme Cauca, Maribel Perafán Gallardo .

Likewise, she pointed out that an important work of continuous control with the military forces to respond to early warnings of the Office of the Ombudsman

With the murder of Luis Eduardo Dagua they are 27 leaders killed until now this year in the department of Cauca ].

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