At alias prison & # 39; Reinel & # 39; presumed responsible for the custody of Ecuadorian journalists


Jesús Vargas Cuajiboy will be transferred to the Cómbita High Security Prison, Boyacá

Jesús Vargas Cuajiboy, aka "Reinel". With the kind permission of the National Police

This Sunday, in the afternoon, a Cali Guarantees Court sent to Cómbita prison, in Boyacá, to Jesús Vargas Cuajiboy, alias Reinel appointed as responsible for keeping the three members of the journalistic team ] of newspaper El Comercio of Ecuador then that they were in captivity. (You might be interested: The family of Ecuadorian journalists is waiting for progress in the case with the capture of "Reinel").

The information was confirmed by the lawyer of the relatives of the journalistic team, Pedro Vaca, who said that Reinel was presented this Sunday in front of the court of guarantees at the Courthouse of the capital of Valle del Cauca and that during the preliminary hearings, the capture was legalized and the allocation of fees. The prosecution charged him with the crimes of extortion and aggravated conspiracy, but Reinel did not accept the charges.

The lawyer stated that sources of information confirmed Vargas Cuajiboy's membership in the Oliver Sinisterra Front dissident Farc led by alias Guacho [19659012] and who also had a high level of responsibility in this structure. The Office of the Prosecutor stated during the hearing that Reinel had more than 300 people with weapons.

The Cali Court of Appeal endorsed the request made by the prosecutor's office for the prisoner to be sent to prison. Thus, Vargas Cuajiboy will be transferred to the high security prison of Cómbita, in the department of Boyacá. (In the context: Captured "Reinel", allegedly responsible for the custody of Ecuadorian journalists.)

The Foundation for Press Freedom (Flip), of which Vaca is the director, celebrated the decision of today. "This is a breakthrough that will contribute to the clarification of the facts and the search for justice." However, the Flip asks the Attorney General's Office that "with these efforts, it's a good thing." investigation to find the place where is all the criminal chain "said the Flip in a statement.

Jesús Vargas Cuajiboy was captured this Saturday in Mondomo, Santander de Quilichao (Cauca).

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