At least five dead and several wounded in Operation Cleaning in Nicaragua | L & # 39; UNIVERSAL


At least five dead and dozens of wounded left in five Pacific cities the so-called "cleansing operation" of the Government of Nicaragua, which consists of armed attacks against civilians who maintain roadblocks, denounced The Nicaraguan Association Pro Human Rights (ANPDH)

"There are two deaths in Diriá, two in Masaya and one in Catarina," said the executive secretary of the ANPDH, Álvaro Leiva.

In the municipality of Diriá, Department of Granada, the government's "combined forces" of police, riot police, paramilitaries and paramilitaries forcibly evicted Almer Morales and Allan Morales (father and sons) from their homes and were executed, according to the militant

. Camilo Ortega, from Masaya City, also reported that two other victims had not yet been identified and another in the neighboring municipality of Catarina.

Istran "multiple" wounded, two of them seriously: a Catarina girl who was injured in the abdomen, and a 13-year-old boy from Masaya.

He also reported that the police and parapolices had been forcibly removed Masaya Provincial Hospital and the care of the victims was refused.

In addition, they maintain Masaya under siege, so there is no "humanitarian evacuation channel" to transfer the wounded to Managua, 28 kilometers away.

"There is no way to enter the city and here it is to save life because we are under fire," he said

Leiva also denounced the "combined forces", after "neutralization" by the arms forces to barricade protesters, carry out a door-to-door "hunt" plan in search of opponents to their detention.

A group of the Follow-up Mechanism for Nicaragua (Meseni) of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) I said at the moment, it governs Masaya "to achieve peaceful solutions and protect the population, "said the auxiliary bishop of Managua, Silvio Báez, on Twitter.

According to the "Autoconvocados", the government carries out the so-called "Operation Cleaning" which consists in removing the blockages of the tracks with shovels, trucks and agents of the State, under the protection of "combined forces ", who are mobilized aboard all-terrain trucks and heavily armed. [19659002] The government has accused of exercising terrorism, create insecurity and to act with violence against "those who have proposed to change the legal and constitutional order through the dams where there has been "violence, torture and kidnapping. "

The Executive said in a statement on July 9" that as a state and government legitimately constituted and based on the Constitution and the Laws of the Republic, "has" the duty to defend the security, peace, the right to life and the enjoyment of the fundamental rights of all Nicaraguans. "

And this includes the right to free movement of people, vehicles and goods throughout the country With at least 351 deaths in nearly three months, according to figures from local humanitarian agencies, Nicaragua is going through the crisis the most bloody socio-political since the 1980s, with Ortega as president

.Ortega started on April 18, for failed social security reforms and became a claim that calls for the resignation of the president, after eleven years in power, with accusations of abuse and corruption against him.

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