Attack against transgender women in Bogotá


In video was recorded a brutal attack on transgender women who shared and talked to a hairdresser located in the city of Fontibón, in the west of Bogota .

The events took place last weekend, but the recording was announced in the afternoon of this Wednesday. In this one, you can see the women talking, one of them comes out of the bathroom while the other is sitting and talking on her mobile phone. In the middle of this, seven men enter the premises without a word, some with a helmet on their head, and from one moment to the next, they start with the strong badault

As you can see it in the video, viral on the social networks, the aggressors use the fists and the kicks to beat their victims who claim that even used tools like a screwdriver to cause injury.

All battered women were taken to a medical center for treatment because of the severity of their injuries, and are currently recovering satisfactorily, according to local residents.

] denounce that the attack is a product of their badual condition and state that at the time of the facts, men have repeatedly made homophobic comments,

The video is already in the hands of the authorities, who are trying to find those responsible, who could be identified through registration. For their part, the victims filed the relevant complaint.

According to the Office of the Ombudsman, in 2017, there were 155 cases of violence against people in the LGBTI community. "100% of the cases required psychosocial attention, advice and information about rights in public, social and cultural spaces as well as instances and mechanisms for reporting abuses by the authorities", indicates l & # 39; entity.

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