Attempt of asonada in Nechí (Antioquia)


In the municipality of Nechí, Bajo Cauca Antioqueño se presented a confrontation between the community of the Chaparro district and a police officer and the Army as part of a surgery.

The facts were presented when the military prevented the lynching of a man accused of badaulting an older adult with a knife .

According to information provided by the local police station, " the community wanted to do itself justice and when authority intervened, they were dissatisfied with the procedure and were attacked with blunt objects, "said an officer in uniform.

To disperse the crowd, it was necessary to use tear gas, which further irritated the community which, with stones and sticks, caused damage to the two patrols who attended the episode, for this reason they have captured a man who will have to answer for vehicle breakdowns.

The person who attacked the elder and who provoked the confrontation was transferred to a Caucasian badistance center and then to a police station while the trial against it's going on.

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