Attorney General took over Edwin Besaile, governor of Córdoba | L & # 39; UNIVERSAL


Once again, the Office of the Attorney General has decided to temporarily suspend, for three months, the governor of Cordoba, Edwin Besaile Fayad, this time for alleged irregularities in the termination of a contract of science and of technology

with the indications of spokespersons of the control body, the decision was made to avoid repetition of a possible disciplinary fault related to the execution of resources public, as well as the interference in the investigation due to alleged irregularities in the unilateral suspension of the agreement. 735 of 2013, celebrated between the Government of Cordoba and the Foundation for the Knowledge and Development of Biotic Diversity of Colombia. George Dahl

Similarly, the supervisory body investigates any possible acts of corruption that might be committed by the researcher according to the statements of the former governor of Córdoba, Alejandro Lyons Muskus, regarding the undue fate that the resources would have had. Project Public

As part of this process, the Office of the Attorney General is also investigating the Administrative Director of Planning, Manuel José Benjumea Simancas; to the governor's office advisor, Sandra Milena Ruiz Pérez, and to the director of government recruitment, Jairo Rafael Cruz Lozano.

He was to be reinstated

Everything was ready for the president will be reinstated to the post, because this Wednesday, July 18, the 180 days of suspension to which he had been submitted by the same attorney general were due , but in this occasion for the payment of a bill valued at nearly 1 500 million pesos to the IPS San Jose de la Sabana for the treatment of 14 fake patients of hemophilia

L & # 39; control body could not extend the suspension because it had already done it once, so the only option was to permanently reject the mandatrio. However, in a recent decision, they pointed out that this was not justified.

Government officials were ready to welcome him, but the Attorney General decided to repeat the process with a new element to investigate. This situation leaves the elected leader of the Cordobes again out of power.

The Procuratorate ( @PGN_COL ) provisionally suspends the governor of #Cordoba Edwin Besaile / yEiQj8XmCc

– Attorney General's Office (@PGN_COL) July 18, 2018

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