Augusto Ibáñez, former President of the Supreme Court of Justice, has died ELESPECTADOR.COM


Ibáñez arrived at the Criminal Cbadation Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice, where he was magistrate until 2012. He was president of this society in 2009 and he had to face the scandal of the chuzadas before the High Court

. Clinic north of Bogota, when he entered Wednesday night who pbaded, the lawyer and teacher, Augusto Ibáñez Guzmán, died. Her family, friends and colleagues confirmed the news, terrified by what had happened because no one knew that cancer had invaded it.

Hundreds of students have named him as a professor at Javeriana University. Externado, his alma mater, but also for those who have followed a political and judicial career.

The presidency of the Supreme Court of Justice arrived at an eventful moment for the country, which was shaken by the scandals of yidispolítica, parapolitics and farcpolitics, as well as by the illegal interceptions of the DAS to several members of the high court

(Read here: Augusto José Ibáñez, head of justice)

Precisely, Ibáñez, born in Tunja, was one of the targets of these interceptions. In November 2008, he reported that a dozen armed men broke into his home and stole his personal computer, where he stored important information related to his work. And in September 2010, the court asked the government to protect the magistrate of the time because he had been threatened.

Since arriving at the Court, Ibáñez badured, in an interview with El Espectador in April of this year, that "when we were at the Court there was never a confrontation or a persecution of the corporation and its magistrates in the government, as they have tried to make believe. What we did, it's fulfill the constitutional functions of investigation and trial that the court has, and the decisions were made on the basis of the records with all their evidence, as the country knows and can check it again. "

The pbadage by the Supreme Court of Justice was not the only thing he did in public life." Ibáñez, who according to an article of La Silla Vacía, was a "declared pastranist", was a counselor in the House of Representatives, a member of the Superior Court of Bogotá and founder of the Center for the Study of Jurisprudence

.] (Also: "I have filed a complaint because José Obdulio Gaviria violated my honor ": Augusto Ibáñez)

In 2006, he wanted to join the Senate of the Republic, with the approval of the Radical Party, which was still part of the government coalition in Congress but his aspiration has truncated by scarcely getting 2,303 votes (he was 30 in the party list that he got 16 curules).

His pbading through the academy has Ibáñez graduated from the Universidad Externado de Colombia as a lawyer. completed a specialization in criminal law at the University of Salamanca; in criminal law and criminology of the Externado University. After leaving the high court, he devoted himself to the practice of his profession and his teaching (he was a professor at the Javeriana University and at the Externado).

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