Augusto Ibáñez, former President of the Supreme Court of Justice, passed away


July 11, 2018 – 11:18 pm
2018-07-11 By:


On Wednesday, the former President of the Supreme Court of Justice, Augusto Ibáñez, died in Bogotá, while he was interned at the Clínica Reina Sofía.

The official served as director of the Department of Criminal Law of the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, among other positions of national importance.

The Minister of Justice, Enrique Gil Botero, sent a message of condolence to his family and friends through his Twitter account: "Peace in the grave of the lawyer Augusto Ibáñez, solidarity with his family."

See also: The Supreme Court investigates the election fraud of Senator Yamina Pestana in 2014

In the same direction was pronounced the former President of the State Council, Gustavo Gómez: "Many Judiciary colleagues and of origin, we deeply regret the early disappearance of the lawyer Augusto Ibáñez.We will always remember its value to defend the dignity of the Supreme Court of Justice in the harmful stage of chuzadas. imperishable. "

The lawyer Ramiro Bejarano, who is also a famous chronicler, expressed his feeling of solidarity with the death of the former magistrate through his narrative on the social network:" Terrible news of the death of ex-magistrate Augusto Ibáñez an hour ago, leaving a huge void in his family, in society, in the legal community and in those who appreciate his endearing and sincere friendship ".

The Ombudsman also regretted the death of the former magistrate: "We regret the death of Professor Augusto Ibáñez, who helped to consolidate the rule of law and justice in the face of serious violations of human rights of the man in Colombia ".

The former magistrate Ibáñez was born in Tunja, Boyacá. He was a graduate of the Externado University of Colombia and a founding member of the Center for Jurisprudence Studies.

Among the positions held by Ibáñez are the councilor of the House of Representatives and a member of the Superior Court of Cundinamarca

Ibáñez was a specialist in criminal law at the University of Salamanca, Spain, and specialist in law. Criminal and Criminology of the Externado in Colombia. As part of his resume was his experience as a teacher in the Universities Javeriana, Santo Tomás and Externado.

This jurist joined the Supreme Court of Justice as a Judge on June 26, 2007 and was appointed President of the same Society on April 27, 2009.

As President of the High Court, he was also The cbadation decisions, which included the La Gabarra mbadacre, Norte de Santander, culminated in the conviction (in 2011) of 40 years in prison for one officer and three police officers for their facts.

But a much more important fact in which Ibáñez was the protagonist was the duty to cover the clashes with the government of the then President of the Republic, Álvaro Uribe Vélez. One of them is related to the election of the Attorney General of the Nation, to the Supreme Court of Justice, which lasted a long time.

Augusto Ibáñez resigned from the high court on April 13, 2012, citing personal reasons

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